Pricedrop Detective (BargainSherlock)
- 🚀 Real-time price tracking for your favorite products.
- 💼 Track multiple products simultaneously.
- 🗂️ Organize and manage your tracked products.
- 📊 Price history to check trends.
- 🌟 User-friendly and privacy-conscious.
- Getting Started: Start a chat with BargainSherlock on Telegram.
- Add Products: Use the
/create <url> <website>
command to add products to your tracking list. Provide the product URL and website, and BargainSherlock will start monitoring it for price changes. - List Trackers: Use
to get all your trackers. It will give tracker_hash and product link. - Get Tracker: Use
/tracker <tracker_hash>
to get tracker details. - Delete Tracker: Use the
/delete <tracker_hash>
command to customize your alert preferences. - Help: Use
to know how to use the bot. - Stay Informed: Receive real-time updates on price drops and deals.
If you'd like to run your own instance of BargainSherlock or contribute to its development, follow the Installation Guide.
We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you're a developer, designer, or have other skills to offer, your contributions can help improve BargainSherlock. Here's how you can get involved:
- Report bugs or suggest new features by opening GitHub Issues.
- Contribute code by forking the repository and submitting a pull request.
- Help improve the documentation by submitting changes to this README or other documentation files.