This is the corresponding node-red based user interface for the wipi-bridge
WI-PI Bridge is a Raspberry PI(RPi) based Wi-Fi Bridge for routing clients to internet connection through a router, often used as a repeater, or bypass enterprise wpa security protocol.
- The RPi OS image file can be downloaded here.
- You can install the image file onto a microSD card using the RPi Imager application.
- Once the image file has been copied to the microSD card, instert the card into the RPi, plug in the wifi-dongle into the USB port of the RPi, and then boot the device.
- Done, the WI-PI bridge should be working! Check your network wifi connections for the SSID [wipi_bridge]
- On web browser go to: wipi-bridge.local:1880/ (mdns) or x.x.x.x:1880/ (x.x.x.x is the network IP of the WI-PI Brigdge assigned by the router)
- Connect client to Access Point (default: wipi_bridge, psk: adamchuk)
- On web browser go to:
- Configure settings