The Real-time Ecommerce Data Collection and Processing project offers a robust and efficient solution for gathering data from various ecommerce websites, processing it in real-time, and storing it in Google Cloud Datastore. The project comprises two parts: a Golang-based data processing pipeline named "Topic2Warehouse" and a Python-based web scraper and publisher.
Golang Data Processing Pipeline (topic2storage):
The Golang pipeline is responsible for real-time data processing and storage. It subscribes to Google Cloud Pub/Sub, receiving data sent from the Python scraper. The received data is then stored securely in Google Cloud Datastore, providing reliable and scalable data storage capabilities. The pipeline leverages Golang's concurrency features, ensuring high throughput and seamless handling of incoming data from multiple sources.
Python Web Scraper and Publisher (source2topic):
The Python application excels in web scraping, collecting valuable ecommerce data from various websites. The scraper uses Python's BeautifulSoup library for HTML parsing and efficiently extracts relevant product details. After scraping, the data is published to Google Cloud Pub/Sub, enabling real-time data transfer to the Golang data processing pipeline.
flowchart LR
Scheduler[Scheduler - GHA]
Blobs[Blobs - Google Drive]
APIService[API Service - Manage Curves]
InfluxDB[(Influx DB)]
ForecastingModel[Forecasting Model]
Sources -->|write row data| Scheduler
Scheduler --> Blobs
Blobs -->|Get row file| Compose
Compose -->|Publish processed data| RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ -->|Read Msg| Telegraf
Telegraf -->|Write TS| InfluxDB
APIService -->|Read TS| InfluxDB
InfluxDB --> Dashboard
Client --> APIService
APIService -->|Update Metadata| PSQL
PSQL -->|Update Metadata| Consumer
Consumer -->|Update Metadata| PSQL
RabbitMQ --> ForecastingModel