-🌱 I’m currently learning Spring boot
-🤝 I’m looking to collaborate with people so that I can enhance my skills
-💬 Ask me about Open Source, Data Structures, Java
-👉 Another account https://github.com/mohitd404

-🌱 I’m currently learning Spring boot
-🤝 I’m looking to collaborate with people so that I can enhance my skills
-💬 Ask me about Open Source, Data Structures, Java
-👉 Another account https://github.com/mohitd404
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This repository is made for the peoples who are new at open source contribution can fork this Repo and can add the Things needed in the office job role Etc.
Forked from abhijeet141/CropForesight-FrontEnd
JavaScript 2
detects the news that it fake or real by taking user input as news headline
Jupyter Notebook 1
Temperature and humidity monitoring using DHT11 and esp01 --> mini project
C++ 1