I have built a movies list application.
I used codesandbox template which is based on create-react-app.
The home page shows all the movies and a search filter, which filters movie titles.
I have used TailwinCSS for styles and redux toolkit for redux store management.
I used prettier and eslint for formmating and linting.
I used jest for unit testing and cypress for e2e testing.
I used JSON data instead of using the moviedb API.\
yarn start
will start the application.
yarn build
will create a production build.
yarn lint
will run eslint and show errors/warnings in console.
yarn lint:fix
will fix linting errors.
yarn format
will format the application code using prettier.
yarn test
will run a test suit. basically 2 tests. one is unit test and other is a snapshot.
npx cypress open
will open cypress e2e test.\