These instructions will get you how to build Laravel Multiple authentication using various guards and its existing authentication process, you may free to create your own way, but laravel way is secure and well tested and you can try this way to move yourself into next level.
What things you need to install the software.
- Git.
- PHP.
- Composer.
- A webserver like Nginx or Apache.
Clone the git repository on your computer
You can also download the entire repository as a zip file and unpack in on your computer if you do not have git
After cloning the application, you need to install it's dependencies.
$ cd laravel58
$ composer install
When you are done with installation, copy the
file to.env
$ cp .env.example .env
Generate the application key
$ php artisan key:generate
Add your database credentials to the necessary
fields -
Migrate the application
$ php artisan migrate
Seed Database ### This will create default system user into main users table
$ php artisan db:seed
Auth scaffolding
$ php artisan make:auth
$ php artisan serve
Inside route folder analyze web.php file then Chek your auth.php file inside config folder, then you can understand how to setup guard.
Analyse your Controller folder of Http folder inside app folder, you will find morethan two folder of users type, and into those folders files are exact copy of Auth folder, so open up each file and examine how it is done? .
Login into default root user, root user can create admin, then login into admin user, admin user can create manager, manager and admin can manage customer, you can register customer from registration link in outside. try with every and each user type then you will realize Multi guard authentication procedure.
keep always smile :)