smartphones, iPhone, portrait 480x320 phone
@media (min-width:20em) { }
portrait e-readers (Nook/Kindle), smaller tablets @ 600 or @ 640 wide.
@media (min-width:30.063em) { }
portrait tablets, portrait iPad, landscape e-readers, landscape 800x480 or 854x480 phones
@media (min-width:40.063em) { }
tablet, landscape iPad, lo-res laptops ands desktops
@media (min-width:60.063em) { }
big landscape tablets, laptops, and desktops
@media (min-width:64.063em) { }
hi-res laptops and desktops
@media (min-width:80.063em) { }
NOTE All the media queries above are mobile first. To reverse the order, use max-width