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This featureset allows to use molr-gui fx components from other applications in order to control molr missions. The central entry point would be the class MolrFxSupport.

This class can be accessed in 2 ways:

  • By importing the MolrFxSupportConfiguration into the spring configuration of the UI, which then will pick up the mole by itself (this is the recommended approach)
  • For GUIs which are not primarily spring based, there is a factory (MolrFxSupportFactory) which can load the application context for you and pick up the m ole from the additional configuration classes provided as parameters.

Having an instance, it can be used e.g. like:

Mission m;

... this would open a new window, with the given mission.

This method chain returns also an Optional<SimpleMissionControl>, which is intended to allow convenient programmatically control over the mission. At the moment, the only supported command is resume:

Mission m;

this would open a window and immediately run the mission.

NOTE: All this is a first proof of concept. The idea is to put more and more functionality into this (e.g. options like cleanup on close or similar), or running multiple missions....

Mission stubs

A little additional sugar are the reactivation of mission stubs: This allows to e.g. define mission stubs as constants and then later use these stubs to run the missions. This allows typed checked parameters.

E.g. a stub with three parameters could be defined as:

private static VoidStub3<String, Integer, Integer> PARAMETRIZED_MISSION = stub("parametrized mission") //
            .withParameters(aString("aMessage"), anInteger("iterations"), anInteger("sleepMillis"));

It can then be used with the gui support class as:

support.debug(PARAMETRIZED_MISSION, "Hello World", 3, 200).inNewStage();

A demo of all this functionality can be found in the following classes:

  • MolrFxSupportDemoApplication
  • MolrFxSupportMinimalSpringDemo [note: for some reason I did not get this one to run without the minifx launcher ... despite it should