Repozitorij za projekat iz Web Programiranja na PMF-u.
This is a PHP site that allows users to upload images with titles and view both their own and other users' collections. With built-in cookie and session functionality, this site ensures top-level security and authenticates each upload.
- classes - model
- CSS - styling files
- files - uploaded files
- images - images used on site
- js - simple javascript used
- credentials.txt - sample accounts
- db_utils.php - used for interaction with the database
- imager.pdf - exported database state
- imager.php - main php page for uploading and viewing images
- imager.sql - database model export
- imagerDump.sql - database dump
- index.php - login page
- signup.php - signup page
- Upload and view images with custom titles
- Utilizes cookies and sessions for secure user authentication
- Custom built User-friendly interface for seamless navigation
Hosted on 000webhost