pip install monday-code
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import monday_code
from monday_code.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost:59999
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = monday_code.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost:59999"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with monday_code.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = monday_code.EnvironmentVariablesApi(api_client)
name = 'name_example' # str |
api_response = api_instance.get_environment_variable(name)
print("The response of EnvironmentVariablesApi->get_environment_variable:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling EnvironmentVariablesApi->get_environment_variable: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:59999
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | get_environment_variable | GET /environment-variables/{name} | |
EnvironmentVariablesApi | get_environment_variable_keys | GET /environment-variables | |
LogsApi | write_log | POST /logs | |
QueueApi | publish_message | POST /queue | |
QueueApi | validate_secret | POST /queue/validate-secret | |
SecretsApi | get_secret | GET /secrets/{name} | |
SecretsApi | get_secret_keys | GET /secrets | |
SecureStorageApi | delete_secure_storage | DELETE /secure-storage/{key} | |
SecureStorageApi | get_secure_storage | GET /secure-storage/{key} | |
SecureStorageApi | put_secure_storage | PUT /secure-storage/{key} | |
StorageApi | delete_by_key_from_storage | DELETE /storage/{key} | |
StorageApi | get_by_key_from_storage | GET /storage/{key} | |
StorageApi | increment_counter | PUT /storage/counter/increment | |
StorageApi | search_record | GET /storage/search/{term} | |
StorageApi | upsert_by_key_from_storage | PUT /storage/{key} |
- GetByKeyFromStorage404Response
- GetByKeyFromStorage500Response
- IncrementCounter200Response
- IncrementCounter200ResponseAnyOf
- IncrementCounter200ResponseAnyOf1
- IncrementCounterParams
- JsonDataContract
- LogMethods
- Period
- PublishMessageParams
- PublishMessageResponse
- StorageDataContract
- UpsertByKeyFromStorage200Response
- UpsertByKeyFromStorage200ResponseAnyOf
- UpsertByKeyFromStorage200ResponseAnyOf1
- ValidateSecretParams
- ValidateSecretResponse
- WriteLogRequestBody
- WriteLogRequestBodyError