Middleman is a project for helping each store for buying some products for stock on distributor via online. In real case, many store that still doing manual for listing stock product, add / reduce for in/out stock product, take a notes for stock of their products. So therefore, Middleman is developed here trying for handle that behaviour user which changing from manual to all stock activity in online.
Feature in Middleman
🙎 Users
In users, there is a feature to login either user or admin, we also create Create, Read, Update, Delete for users here
Feature User | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
GET | /users/products | - | YES | get all data product user |
POST | /users/products | - | YES | add product (not available in distributtor) |
GET | /users/products/search | productname | YES | serach product |
PUT | /users/products | idproduct | YES | update product (not available in distributtor) |
DELETE | /users/products | idproduct | YES | delete product (users) |
📋 User Product
In User Product, there is a feature to Create, Read, Update, Delete product but not available in product Admin
Feature User Product | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
POST | /admins/products | - | YES | new product by Admin |
GET | /admins/products | - | NO | get all product sell |
GET | /admins/products/search | productname | NO | serach product |
PUT | /admins/products | idproduct | YES | update product by Admin |
DELETE | /admins/products | idproduct | YES | delete product by id |
🛒 Carts
In Carts for user to create Cart before order
Feature Cart | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
GET | /carts | - | YES | get all product in cart by user |
POST | /carts | - | YES | add product in cart |
PUT | /carts | idproduct | YES | update cart |
DELETE | /carts | idproduct | YES | delete cart |
👨💻 Admin Product
In Admin, there is a feature to Create, Read, Update, Delete product to shell in application
Feature Admin | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
POST | /admins/products | - | YES | new product by Admin |
GET | /admins/products | - | NO | get all product sell |
GET | /admins/products/search | idproduct | NO | serach product |
PUT | /admins/products | idproduct | YES | update product by Admin |
DELETE | /admins/products | idproduct | YES | delete product by id |
🛍️ Order
In Order, feature to transaction order
Feature Order | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
POST | /orders/users | - | YES | create new order user |
GET | /orders/users | - | YES | get all history order |
GET | /orders/ | idorder | YES | get detail order user and admin |
GET | /orders/admins | - | YES | get all history order admin |
GET | /orders/admins/incoming | - | YES | get incomming order from user (ADMIN) |
PUT | /orders/confrim/ | idorder | YES | confrim order by id(ADMIN) |
PUT | /orders/done/ | idorder | YES | finish order by id(ADMIN) |
📜 Inoutbounds
In Inoutbounds feature handle realation stok in admin and user. if admin out == user in
Feature Order | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
GET | /inoutbounds | - | YES | get cart for stock user (out) and stok admin (in) |
POST | /inoutbounds | - | YES | create new cart for stock user (out) and stok admin(in) |
PUT | /inoutbounds/ | idproducts | YES | update quantity product in carts for stock user (out) and admin (in) |
DELETE | /inoutbounds/ | idproducts | YES | delete product by id in carts for stock user (out) and admin (in) |
📊 Inventories
In Inventories feature to record stok in and out from inventory user admin
Feature Order | Endpoint | Param | JWT Token | Function |
POST | /users/inventory | - | YES | create a form to list product (OUT) |
GET | /users/inventory | - | YES | get all form product inventory (OUT) |
GET | /users/inventory/ | idinventory | YES | get detail form product inventory (outbound) |
POST | /admins/inventory | - | YES | create a form to list product (IN) |
GET | /admins/inventory | - | YES | get all form product inventory (IN) |
GET | /admins/inventory/ | idinventory | YES | get detail form product inventory (inbound) |
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