What's Changed
- 🪚 yac-it: yaml and context structures by @arlimus in #432
- 🐛 fix bundle format for v8/v7 compat by @arlimus in #433
- 🐛 Fix progress for unscored assets by @czunker in #424
- 🧹 edited example bundle comments, changed one check by @misterpantz in #434
- Bump github.com/muesli/termenv from 0.14.0 to 0.15.1 by @dependabot in #436
- 🐛 FillV7 on bundle should respect properties (#422) by @arlimus in #438
- postV8: 🧹 bundle compiler cleanup + complex example by @arlimus in #425
- 🐛 avoid accidentally merging queries in compile phase by @arlimus in #441
- 🧹Compress windows amd64 binary with upx by @jaym in #354
- 🧹 update cnquery to 8.1.0 by @jaym in #442
Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v8.1.0