Baby Tracks is a full-stack responsive web application that allows families to track the daily activities of their newborns/infants. This application is designed to provide an at-a-glance summary of the most common events newborns/infants encounter and ease the burden on families to track this information.
- Express
- AngularJS
- Node.js
- Grunt
- SweetAlerts
- Passport.js
- Sass
- Moment.js
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
CREATE DATABASE 'solo-project';
Copy and paste database.sql file to set up the entire basic database structure.
- Manage Children - MVP: Allows families to add and remove children.
- Account - MVP: Allows families to modify their password.
- Tracking - MVP: Allows families to track events, edit notes to the most recent event, and view the historical data of tracking events.
- Emergency Contacts: Allows families to create a comprehensive list of contacts for the family. Telephone numbers dial from mobile phones and addresses generate directions from your location.
- Reports View: Move reports to its own view and allow for sorting reports by date.
- Filtering Report Data: Filter report table data by Category name and notes detail
- Tracking page redesign: Create large buttons that launch a modal with both Edit and New event entry boxes
- Convert to PostCSS
- Create a vitals list with important child information
- Birthday, blood type, clothing sizes, etc
- Migrate application to a Progressive Web Application
- Monica Wheeler