Robotic arms have gained popularity in various industries due to their accuracy and efficiency in completing tasks. In this study, we propose a method for automating bin-picking tasks using the Dobot CR5 robotic arm, combining the state-of-the-art YOLOv5 CNN model for object detection with traditional feature detectors, descriptors, and matching techniques. Specifically, we employ the FAST and BRISK algorithms for robust and efficient feature detectors, descriptors, and matching. By integrating these techniques and utilizing a depth sensor camera to capture depth and color images, our system achieves real-time object detection and precise pose estimation, enabling the robotic arm to pick objects accurately. This integration of small-scale camera technology with advanced algorithms contributes to the advancement of industrial robotics, opening up new possibilities for automating challenging tasks and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Keywords: robotic arm, bin-picking, YOLOv5 CNN model, depth sensor camera, object detection and pose estimation
- ubuntu 20.04
- ROS noetic
cd $HOME/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
You need to install realsense-ros to use realsense2_camera package. The steps to installing realsense-ros have shown here.
cd $HOME/catkin_ws/src/Bin-Picking
catkin build
echo "export DOBOT_TYPE=cr5" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Connect the robotic arm with the following command, and the default robot_ip is
roslaunch CR5_Project CR5_with_realsense.launch
- This command will launch
- dobot_bringup
- realsense camera pointcloud
- find object 2d
- tf synchronisation
rosrun CR5_Project
- This command will run the node
- yolo_listener
rosrun CR5_Project service_call
- This command will run 2 nodes and spawn a new terminal for commanding
- listener
- main_order
- Intel Realsense:
- find-object:
- YOLOv5 :