Renee Lu, z5160268 | August, 2020
- Task 1 Monochrome to Bi-level Conversion
- Task 2 Bi-level Morphological Erosion
- Task 3 Bi-level Morphological Erosion with Circular Structuring Sets
- Task 4 Bonus Zero Padding vs. Symmetric Extension
- Task 5 Bi-level Morphological Opening
- Task 6 Bonus Greyscale Morphological Closing
The solution file is found in:
- Project3/Project3.sln
The code for Task 1, 2 and 3 are in, respectively:
- Project3/Task1/main1.cpp
- Project3/Task2/main2.cpp
- Project3/Task3/main3.cpp
- Project3/Task4/main4.cpp
- Project3/Task5/main5.cpp
- Project3/Task6/main6.cpp
- Project3/Task6/main6_inefficient.cpp this is the inefficient version of main6.cpp
In Visual Studio, the non-default property configuration for the projects are:
- Configuration Properties > General > Output Directory = [executables output file path] e.g. "....\Executables"
- Configuration Properties > Advanced > Character Set = Use Multi-Bye Character Set
- Configuration Properties > Debugging > Command Arguments = [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [threhold T] e.g. "..\Data\lenna_mono.bmp ..\Data\out.bmp 100"
- C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions = WIN32; _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE
- Open Visual Studio
- Open the Project3/Project3.sln
- Configure the Project Properties as above
- Run the desired tasks using the command line arguments below:
To run Task 1 give the following command line arguments: [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [threshold T]
To run Task 2 give the following command line arguments: [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [structuring set location pairs]
To run Task 3 give the following command line arguments: [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [radius r]
To run Task 4 give the following command line arguments: [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [zero pad = 1 or 0]
To run Task 5 give the following command line arguments: [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [structuring set location pairs OR radius r]
To run Task 6 give the following command line arguments: [input bmp file path] [output bmp file path] [structuring set location pairs OR radius r]