When user opens index.html
he should see call history grouped by day.
Call history should be a scrollable list with breakdown by day.
Above list there should be a search field.
Search should be performed for all fields with debounce of 250ms.
User should be able to collapse/expand content of every day by clicking header
Every history item should contain:
- call duration
- number
- direction (Inbound call/ Outbound call)
- name (optional)
- call back button
- When there is no name 'Unknown caller' should be displayed.
- When call was missed (duration = 0) 'missed' should be displayed.
- User should have indication on weather it was Inbound call or Outbound based on direction: outbound - 0; inbound - 1.
- Missed call should be indicated with red text color.
HTML5, CSS3, angular, bootstrap
Please launch index.html through some server to grabbing mock.json