Rancid Tomatillos utilizes new-to-us technologies including React, React/Router, and Cypress to create a React app that displays movies, and movie information. Focus was placed on learning and implementing systems; some details include:
- Create a multi-page emulating site using React Router
- Test user happy/sad paths as well as API errors Along with introducing new technology this was a great experience working in a pair asynchronously, balancing solo work with reliable meetings and excellent daily standups.
- React
- React Router
- Cypress Testing Framework
- JavaScript ES6
- CSS3
- Normalize
- Wave
- Lighthouse
- Git
- Text Editors of Choice:
- Atom
- VSCode
- Clone this repo down, once inside use
npm start
to start the local host. - Site should open in web browser of choice.
- If site does not open, going to http://localhost:3000/ after starting local host will bring you to site.
- Desktop Home View
- Desktop Movie View
- Mobile Home View
- Mobile Movie View
- Lighthouse Ratings
- Color Contrast Ratings
- Pass Cypress testing for 500s HTTP Request server type errors
- Further animations/transitions/potentially carousel
- Maybe actually make friends with my teammate... 🥲