released this
03 Jul 10:41
Mobile Ready! Monstra fully responsive for mobile devices, tablets, and normal computer screens.
Improved Monstra Architecture!
New Stand-alone Monstra Library (Gelato) was created! Totally improved old classes and added new classes!
Monstra Library with new useful classes - ClassLoader, ErrorHandler, Log, MinifyJS, MinifyCSS, MinifyHTML, Token, Registry.
Adopted PSR-0 PSR-1 PSR-2
Localization: Farsi(fa), Magyar(hu), Français(fr), Spanish(es), Serbian(sr-yu), Slovakian(sk) translations added. Thanks to Abdulhalim, Lez, Neri, Mapadesign, Hugomano and Nakome.
Idiorm Updated to 1.3.0
jQuery Updated to 1.9.1
Twitter Bootstrap Updated to 2.3.0
Default Theme: Social Meta Tags - added.
Default Theme: Hook "theme_meta" - added.
Admin Default Theme: Added missing meta tags.
Improve Installer Usability. Flags Added.
Default Site Email added.
PHPMailer added.
Pages Manager: added ability to quickly update page status and page access.
Intstaller Layout: Added missing meta tags.
Filesmanager plugin: added ability to view images.
Filesmanager Plugin: forbidden types array - updated.
CSRF detection text - updated.
Engine Uri: code improvements.
XMLDB: Table Class - fixed select method. Thanks to DmitriyMX
Bootstrap CSS: Icons url - fixed.
Plugins Manager: buttons confirm dialog message - fixed.
Pages Manager: page cloning problem - fixed.
Localizations: translations fixes.
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