Expansion Planning Input Preprocessing in Python
EPIPPy provides a set of functions and scripts to preprocess data that can be then used in an expansion planning model.
(Retrieval), preprocessing and management of:
- generation data (hydro capacities and flows, RES existing capacities, capacity factors, potentials, ...)
- geographical data (computation of countries and sub-regions shapes, manipulation of points, codes, ...)
- population data
- emissions (annual emission computation)
- load (yearly and hourly load computation)
- technologies (costs and parameters)
- topologies
For EPIPPy to work properly, it has to have access to a database following a certain structure. This database can be downloaded here.
After downloading the database, the path to the folder containing it must be specified in epippy/__init__.py (to be updated).
- pypsa
- gdal=2.4.4
- pycountry
- geopandas
- geopy
- xlrd
- unidecode
- dask
- xlrd
- progressbar2
- openpyxl
- git+https://github.com/FZJ-IEK3-VSA/geokit.git#egg=geokit
- git+https://github.com/FZJ-IEK3-VSA/glaes.git#egg=glaes
- windpowerlib
- vresutils
- Clone git
- Add epippy to your PYTHONPATH
- Install requirements in environment.yaml using conda