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feat: Update initials_adjpin() algorithm to align with Ersan and Ghac…
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…hem (2024)

Modified the implementation of the algorithm for generating the initial parameter sets in the initials_adjpin() function to align with the new algorithm described in Ersan and Ghachem (2024). Refer to the paper for more details.

Reference:  Ersan, Oguz and Ghachem, Montasser, A Methodological Approach to the Computational Problems in the Estimation of Adjusted Pin Model. Available at SSRN: or
  • Loading branch information
monty-se committed Jul 28, 2024
1 parent 854747e commit 632361a
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 210 deletions.
311 changes: 101 additions & 210 deletions R/model_adjpin.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ adjpin <- function(data, method = "ECM", initialsets = "GE", num_init = 20,
#' @export
initials_adjpin <- function(data, xtraclusters = 4, restricted = list(),

Check warning on line 497 in R/model_adjpin.R

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / run-lint

file=/github/workspace/R/model_adjpin.R,line=497,col=1,[cyclocomp_linter] Functions should have cyclomatic complexity of less than 15, this has 19.
verbose = TRUE) {
verbose = TRUE) {

# Check that all variables exist and do not refer to non-existent variables
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,33 +582,6 @@ initials_adjpin <- function(data, xtraclusters = 4, restricted = list(),

# A function divides a cluster into sub-clusters - based on order imbalance
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
into2clusters <- function(thiscluster) {

# Initialize the return value 'xoverview' to the cluster to split.
# The value 'xoverview' if the number of days in the cluster is larger
# than 1, and therefore can be split into 2 clusters.
xoverview <- thiscluster

if (thiscluster$days > 1) {

medlayers <- thiscluster[1, ]$layer

if (is.list(thiscluster[1, ]$layer)) medlayers <- unlist(medlayers)
xdata <- data[data$layer %in% medlayers, ]
xdata$oi <- xdata$b - xdata$s

clusters <- hclust(dist(xdata$oi), method = "complete")
xdata$cluster <- cutree(clusters, 2)
xdata$oi <- NULL
xoverview <- create_datasummary(xdata, bylayer = FALSE)



# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the process of producing initial sets for all configurations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,225 +648,143 @@ initials_adjpin <- function(data, xtraclusters = 4, restricted = list(),
# c6 |[eb+db] |[es+mus+ds] |

# Initialize parambox at its theoretical values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
parambox[, 1] <- c(buyrates, buyrates[1:2])
parambox[, 2] <- c(sellrates[1:2], sellrates)
parambox[, 3] <- rep(0, 6)

# Gather all elements relative to buyfirst = T (= F) in a list bflist
# (sflist). It will be easier to call all these elements, once the value
# of buyfirst is determined
bflist <- list(xmeans = bbxmeans, data = bxdata,
indxmax = which.max(bbxmeans$b),
indxliq = 1 + which.min(bbxmeans[2:3, ]$s))

sflist <- list(xmeans = ssxmeans, data = sxdata,
indxmax = which.max(ssxmeans$s),
indxliq = 1 + which.min(ssxmeans[2:3, ]$b))

xlists <- list(bflist, sflist)

for (buyfirst in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {

# Pick the active list based on the value of buyfirst
xlist <- xlists[[2 - buyfirst]]

# xmeans = bbxmeans when buyfirst = T, otherwise xmeans = ssxmeans
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
xmeans <- xlist$xmeans
data <- xlist$data

# Initialize parambox at its theoretical values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
parambox[, 1] <- c(buyrates, buyrates[1:2])
parambox[, 2] <- c(sellrates[1:2], sellrates)
parambox[, 3] <- rep(0, 6)

# +++ +++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# +++ +++ #

# indxmax: index of the cluster of maximum trades (eb+mub+db, es+mus+ds)
# indxliq: index of the cluster with liquidity shocks (eb+db, es+ds)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
indxmax <- xlist$indxmax
indxliq <- xlist$indxliq

# Identify the two clusters to be clustered further, different from
# indxmax and indxliq, and gather them into a dataframe 'clusterfurther'
# Gather all clusters in one dataframe called 'sixclusters'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sixclusters <- xmeans[c(indxmax, indxliq), ]
clusterfurther <- xmeans[-c(indxmax, indxliq), ]

if (nrow(clusterfurther) > 0) {
for (rw in seq_len(nrow(clusterfurther))) {
sixclusters <- rbind(sixclusters, into2clusters(clusterfurther[rw, ]))

sixclusters$layer <- sixclusters$cluster <- NULL
# +++ +++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# +++ +++ #

# +++ +++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# +++ +++ #
# Connect clusters to hypothetical clusters, using the vector 'xpositions'
# where the nth entry contains the index of hypothetical cluster.
# Compute a similarity score 'similarity$score', and pick the hypothetical
# cluster as the cluster with the highest similarity score.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
xpositions <- NULL

mergexrows <- function(rows) {
for (row in seq_len(nrow(data))) {

newrow <- rows[1, ]
newrow$days <- sum(rows$days)
newrow$b <- sum(rows$days * rows$b) / newrow$days
newrow$s <- sum(rows$days * rows$s) / newrow$days
brow <- data[row, ]$b
srow <- data[row, ]$s

# Calculate the vector of scores
score <- - sqrt((parambox$b - brow)^2 + (parambox$s - srow)^2)

# Connect clusters to hypothetical clusters, using the vector 'xpositions'
# where the nth entry contains the index of hypothetical cluster.
# Compute a similarity score 'similarity$score', and pick the hypothetical
# cluster as the cluster with the highest similarity score.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
xpositions <- NULL
# Pick the highest score
xposition <- head(order(score, decreasing = TRUE), 1)

for (row in seq_len(nrow(sixclusters))) {
# Collect the cluster identifier 'xposition' in the vector xpositions
xpositions <- c(xpositions, xposition)

brow <- sixclusters[row, ]$b
srow <- sixclusters[row, ]$s

similarity <- parambox[, c("b", "s")]
data$posx <- xpositions

similarity$dpb <- apply(parambox, 1, function(x)
abs(ppois(brow, x[1], log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = (x[1] < brow))))
# Aggregate the data by position and calculate the average buys and sells
overview <- aggregate(. ~ posx, data, mean, drop = FALSE)
overview$days <- aggregate(. ~ posx, data, FUN = length)[, c("b")]
overview <- overview[, c("posx", "b", "s", "days")]

similarity$dps <- apply(parambox, 1, function(x)
abs(ppois(srow, x[2], log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = (x[2] < srow))))
parambox <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 1))
colnames(parambox) <- c("posx")
parambox$posx <- 1:6

similarity$score <- similarity$dpb * similarity$dps
parambox <- merge(parambox, overview, by="posx", all.x = TRUE)

Check warning on line 701 in R/model_adjpin.R

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / run-lint

file=/github/workspace/R/model_adjpin.R,line=701,col=45,[infix_spaces_linter] Put spaces around all infix operators.
parambox[] <- 0
parambox <- parambox[, 2:4]

if (all(similarity$score == 0)) {
similarity$dpb <- (parambox$b - brow)^2
similarity$dps <- (parambox$s - srow)^2
similarity$score <- - sqrt(similarity$dpb + similarity$dps)

xposition <- tail(order(similarity$score), 1)
xposition <- head(order(similarity$score, decreasing = TRUE), 1)
xpositions <- c(xpositions, xposition)
# +++ +++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# +++ +++ #


# Distribute the parambox into three variables avb, avs and days.
# avb: average buys, avs: average sells, and days: number of days.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
avb <- unlist(parambox[, 1])
avs <- unlist(parambox[, 2])
days <- unlist(parambox[, 3])

# Attach the current cluster 'xcluster' into the hypothetical cluster that
# has the index 'hypo' in the hypothetical distribution 'parambox'.
# If the cluster 'hypo' in 'parambox' already contain a cluster, merge
# both clusters, using the function 'mergexrows()'.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (i in seq_len(length(xpositions))) {

hypo <- xpositions[i]
xcluster <- sixclusters[i, c("b", "s", "days")]
# Compute 'empirical' values for alpha (a), delta (d) theta (t)
# and theta' (tp) and min_avb (min_avs) the minimum average buys (sells)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
a <- sum(days[3:6]) / sum(days)
d <- sum(days[c(5, 6)]) / sum(days[3:6])
t <- days[2] / sum(days[1:2])
tp <- sum(days[c(4, 6)]) / sum(days[3:6])

if (parambox[hypo, 3] == 0) {
params <- c(a, d, t, tp)
params[] <- 0

parambox[hypo, ] <- xcluster
# Generation of parameters - See Ersan and Ghachem (2024)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

} else {
xrows <- rbind(xcluster, parambox[hypo, ])
parambox[hypo, ] <- mergexrows(xrows)
parambox[parambox$days == 0, ] <- 0
# If eb or es is equal to zero, the estimates (eb)^e and (es)^e are used.
# They are stored in buyrates[1] and sellrates[1] respectively
# ----------------------------------------------------

# +++ +++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# +++ +++ #
eb <- max(c(avb[1], avb[5], 0))
if (eb == 0) eb <- buyrates[1]

es <- max(c(avs[1], avs[3], 0))
if (es == 0) es <- sellrates[1]

# Distribute the parambox into three variables avb, avs and days.
# avb: average buys, avs: average sells, and days: number of days.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
avb <- unlist(parambox[, 1])
avs <- unlist(parambox[, 2])
days <- unlist(parambox[, 3])
# The remaining parameters can take the value zero
# ----------------------------------------------------

db <- max(c(avb[2] - eb, avb[6] - eb, 0))
ds <- max(c(avs[2] - es, avs[4] - es, 0))

# Compute 'empirical' values for alpha (a), delta (d) theta (t)
# and theta' (tp) and min_avb (min_avs) the minimum average buys (sells)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
a <- sum(days[3:6]) / sum(days)
d <- sum(days[c(5, 6)]) / sum(days[3:6])
t <- days[2] / sum(days[1:2])
tp <- sum(days[c(4, 6)]) / sum(days[3:6])
mub <- max(c(avb[3] - eb, avb[4] - eb - db, 0))
mus <- max(c(avs[5] - es, avs[6] - es - ds, 0))

params <- c(a, d, t, tp)
params[] <- 0
# Store the initial set in a vector
# ----------------------------------------------------

# Generation of parameters - See Ersan and Ghachem (2022)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
eb <- c(avb[1], avb[5])
eb <- max(eb[eb > 0], 0)
if (eb == 0) eb <- buyrates[1]

es <- c(avs[1], avs[3])
es <- max(es[es > 0], 0)
if (es == 0) es <- sellrates[1]

db <- c(avb[2] - eb, avb[6] - eb,
ifelse(avb[4] * avb[3] > 0, avb[4] - avb[3], 0))
db <- max(db[db > 0], 0)

ds <- c(avs[2] - es, avs[4] - es,
ifelse(avb[6] * avb[5] > 0, avb[6] - avb[5], 0))
ds <- max(ds[ds >= 0], 0)

mub <- c(avb[4] - eb - db, avb[3] - eb)
mub <- max(mub[mub > 0], 0)

mus <- c(avs[6] - es - ds, avs[5] - es)
mus <- max(mus[mus > 0], 0)

xparams <- c(params, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds)
xparams[is.nan(xparams)] <- 0

# Exclude initial parameter sets where:
# [1] one or more probability parameters are negative
# [2] one or more rate parameters are non-positive
# [3] mub = 0, and delta != 1. If delta != 1, then there are
# positive information days, so we can estimate a positive mub.
# [4] mus = 0, and delta != 0. If delta != 0, then there are
# negative information days, so we can estimate a positive mus.
# [5] db = ds = 0, while either theta or thetap is different from zero
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
invalid <- (any(xparams[1:4] < 0)) |
(floor(xparams[7]) == 0 & xparams[2] != 1) |
(floor(xparams[8]) == 0 & xparams[2] != 0) |
(min(floor(xparams[9:10])) == 0 & sum(xparams[3:4]) != 0)

if (!invalid) {
if (xparams[1] == 1) xparams[3] <- 0.5
initials <- rbind(initials, xparams)
xparams <- c(params, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds)
xparams[is.nan(xparams)] <- 0

} # for (buyfirst in c(TRUE, FALSE))
# Exclude initial parameter sets where:
# [1] one or more probability parameters are negative
# [2] eps.b or eps.s is zero
# [3] one or more rate parameters are non-positive
# [4] mub = 0, and delta != 1. If delta != 1, then there are
# positive information days, so we can estimate a positive mub.
# [5] mus = 0, and delta != 0. If delta != 0, then there are
# negative information days, so we can estimate a positive mus.
# [6] db = ds = 0, while either theta or thetap is different from zero
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
invalid <- any(xparams[1:4] < 0) | any(xparams[5:6] == 0) |
(floor(xparams[7]) == 0 & xparams[2] != 1) |
(floor(xparams[8]) == 0 & xparams[2] != 0) |
(min(floor(xparams[9:10])) == 0 & sum(xparams[3:4]) != 0)

if (!invalid) {
if (xparams[1] == 1) xparams[3] <- 0.5
initials <- rbind(initials, xparams)

} # for (k in seq_len(nrow(partitions)))

# +++ +++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #

Check warning on line 787 in R/model_adjpin.R

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / run-lint

file=/github/workspace/R/model_adjpin.R,line=787,col=81,[line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 80 characters.
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# ++++++ ++++++ #
# +++ +++ #
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