Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a cluster, coordinated by the SparkContext object in your main program (called the driver program). ... Once connected, Spark acquires executors on nodes in the cluster, which are processes that run computations and store data for your application.
A simple spark standalone cluster for your testing environment purposes. A docker-compose up away from you solution for your spark development environment.
The Docker compose will create the following containers(container ip address will differ on machines):
container | Ip address |
spark-master | xx.x.x.2 |
spark-worker-1 | xx.x.x.3 |
spark-worker-2 | xx.x.x.4 |
spark-worker-3 | xx.x.x.5 |
mac/linux os
docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -aq)
fish shell
docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' (docker ps -aq)
The following steps will make you run your spark cluster's containers.
Docker installed
Docker compose installed
A spark Application Jar to play with(Optional)
The first step to deploy the cluster will be the build of the custom images, these builds can be performed with the ** script.
The executions is as simple as the following steps:
chmod +x
This will create the following docker images:
spark-base:3.0.2: A base image based on java:alpine-jdk-8 which ships scala, python3 and spark 3.0.2
spark-master:3.0.2: FROM spark-base, used to create a spark master container.
spark-worker:3.0.2: FROM spark-base, used to create spark worker container(s).
The final step to create your test cluster will be to run the compose file:
docker-compose up --scale spark-worker=3
- start a single master node & 3 worker containers
Just validate your cluster accessing the spark UI on each worker & master URL.
This cluster is shipped with three workers and one spark master, each of these has a particular set of resource allocation(basically RAM & cpu cores allocation).
The default CPU cores allocation for each spark worker is 1 core.
The default RAM for each spark-worker is 1024 MB.
The default RAM allocation for spark executors is 256mb.
The default RAM allocation for spark driver is 128mb
If you wish to modify this allocations just edit the env/ file.
To make app running easier I've shipped two volume mounts described in the following chart:
Host Mount | Container Mount | Purposse |
/mnt/spark-apps | /opt/spark-apps | Used to make available your app's jars on all workers & master |
/mnt/spark-data | /opt/spark-data | Used to make available your app's data on all workers & master |
This is basically a dummy DFS created from docker Volumes...(maybe not...)
Now let`s make a wild spark submit to validate the distributed nature of our new toy following these steps:
The first thing you need to do is to make a spark application. Our spark-submit image is designed to run scala code You can make or use your own scala app.
A necesary step to make a spark-submit is to copy your application bundle into all workers, also any configuration file or input file you need.
Luckily for us we are using docker volumes so, you just have to copy your app and configs into /mnt/spark-apps, and your input files into /mnt/spark-files.
#Copy spark application into all workers's app folder
cp /home/workspace/crimes-app/build/libs/crimes-app.jar /mnt/spark-apps
#Copy spark application configs into all workers's app folder
cp -r /home/workspace/crimes-app/config /mnt/spark-apps
# Copy the file to be processed to all workers's data folder
cp /home/Crimes_-_2001_to_present.csv /mnt/spark-files
This is not a necessary step, just if you are curious you can check if your app code and files are in place before running the spark-submit.
# Worker 1 Validations
docker exec -ti spark-worker-1 ls -l /opt/spark-apps
docker exec -ti spark-worker-1 ls -l /opt/spark-data
# Worker 2 Validations
docker exec -ti spark-worker-2 ls -l /opt/spark-apps
docker exec -ti spark-worker-2 ls -l /opt/spark-data
# Worker 3 Validations
docker exec -ti spark-worker-3 ls -l /opt/spark-apps
docker exec -ti spark-worker-3 ls -l /opt/spark-data
After running one of this commands you have to see your app's jar and files.
#Creating some variables to make the docker run command more readable
#App jar environment used by the spark-submit image
#App main class environment used by the spark-submit image
#Extra submit args used by the spark-submit image
SPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS="--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions='-Dconfig-path=/opt/spark-apps/dev/config.conf'"
#We have to use the same network as the spark cluster(internally the image resolves spark master as spark://spark-master:7077)
docker run --network docker-spark-cluster_spark-network \
-v /mnt/spark-apps:/opt/spark-apps \
After running this you will see an output pretty much like this:
Running Spark using the REST application submission protocol.
2018-09-23 15:17:52 INFO RestSubmissionClient:54 - Submitting a request to launch an application in spark://spark-master:6066.
2018-09-23 15:17:53 INFO RestSubmissionClient:54 - Submission successfully created as driver-20180923151753-0000. Polling submission state...
2018-09-23 15:17:53 INFO RestSubmissionClient:54 - Submitting a request for the status of submission driver-20180923151753-0000 in spark://spark-master:6066.
2018-09-23 15:17:53 INFO RestSubmissionClient:54 - State of driver driver-20180923151753-0000 is now RUNNING.
2018-09-23 15:17:53 INFO RestSubmissionClient:54 - Driver is running on worker worker-20180923151711- at
2018-09-23 15:17:53 INFO RestSubmissionClient:54 - Server responded with CreateSubmissionResponse:
"action" : "CreateSubmissionResponse",
"message" : "Driver successfully submitted as driver-20180923151753-0000",
"serverSparkVersion" : "3.0.2",
"submissionId" : "driver-20180923151753-0000",
"success" : true
- This is intended to be used for test purposses, basically a way of running distributed spark apps on your laptop or desktop.