This is a browser version of Tic Tac Toe game from The Odin Project curriculum.
🔗 Live preview of the project is here.
- You can choose to play against another human or computer
- You and your human enemy can type names, choose game avatars and game marks
- Computer chooses from its avatars and marks at random
- You can select from 4 galaxies and to play in different environments
- There are errors hints if no name typed or none of avatars or marks selected
- At the end of the game the name of the winner is announced
- Visual Studio Code
- Linux terminal
- Git and GitHub
- ESLint + Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
- Used HTML5 semantic elements for better structure and readability
- Used CSS Flexbox module to create layout
- Improved HTML
naming - Improved CSS code readability (added clear comments, colors palette to the
, separated inputs / icons / errors / buttons / displaying / alignment styling, improved code structure) - Deepened knowledge of DOM manipulation
- Learned more about objects, factory functions and module pattern
- Improved understanding of scope and closures
- Really tried to create gameish atmosphere 👾