Speed up your normal coding transform like md5, sha1, base64 encode, base64 decode...
and all of this is done offline, without any net requests
- md5sum
- sha1
- base64 encode
- base64 decode
- url encode
- url decode
- json beautify
- json minimize
- tidy xml
- ip2long
- long2ip
- timestamp to GMT string
- get current timestamp
- javascript beautify
- css beautify
- css minify
- 1.0.8
- add timestamp function
- optimize json encode/decode with demjson lib
- selecting text , and then press
Ctrl + Alt + Cmd + J
- select algorithm and then press enter key
- copy multiline text into your clipboard, then press
Ctrl + Alt + Cmd + K
- type any charactor and select any algorithm with Enter Key
- md5
- url
- ip
- b64
- json
- xml
- sha
- date
- time
- js
- css