The following project is a Javascript implementation of the Moosend V3 API. You can find the API documentation at
npm install moosend-api --save
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var MoosendApi = require('moosend-api');
var api = new MoosendApi.CampaignsApi()
var format = "format_example"; // {String}
var apikey = "apikey_example"; // {String} You may find your API Key or generate a new one in your account settings.
var campaignID = "campaignID_example"; // {String} The ID of the requested AB test campaign
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.aBTestCampaignSummary(format, apikey, campaignID, callback);
Class | Method |
GetAllCampaigns | Returns a list of all campaigns in your account with detailed information. |
GetCampaignsByPage | Returns a list of all campaigns in your account with detailed information, paging information is required as input. |
GetCampaignsByPageAndPagesize | Returns a list of all campaigns in your account with detailed information, paging information is required as input. |
GettingCampaignDetails | Returns a complete set of properties that describe the requested campaign in detail. |
GettingSenderDetails | Returns basic information for the specified sender identified by its email address. |
CloningAnExistingCampaign | Creates an exact copy of an existing campaign. The new campaign is created as a draft. |
CreatingADraftCampaign | Creates a new campaign in your account. This method does not send the campaign, but rather creates it as a draft, ready for sending or testing. |
UpdatingADraftCampaign | Updates properties of an existing draft A/B campaign in your account. Non-draft campaigns cannot be updated. |
DeletingACampaign | Deletes a campaign from your account, draft or even sent. |
TestingACampaign | Sends a test email of a draft campaign to a list of email addresses you specify for previewing. |
SendingACampaign | Sends an existing draft campaign to all recipients specified in its mailing list. The campaign is sent immediatelly. |
ABTestCampaignSummary | Provides a basic summary of the results for a sent AB test campaign, separately for each version (A and B), such as the number of recipients, opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, forwards etc to date. |
ActivityByLocation | Returns a detailed report of your campaign opens (unique and total) by country. |
CampaignSummary | Provides a basic summary of the results for any sent campaign such as the number of recipients, opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, forwards etc. to date. |
GettingAllYourSenders | Gets a list of your active senders in your account. You may specify any email address of these senders when sending a campaign. |
LinkActivity | Returns a list with your campaign links and how many clicks have been made by your recipients, either unique or total. |
SchedulingACampaign | Assigns a scheduled date and time at which the campaign will be delivered. |
UnschedulingACampaign | Removes a previously defined scheduled date and time from a campaign, so that it will be delivered immediately if already queued or when sent. |
Class | Method |
CreatingACustomField | Creates a new custom field in the specified mailing list. |
CreatingAMailingList | Creates a new empty mailing list in your account. |
DeletingAMailingList | Deletes a mailing list from your account. |
GettingAllActiveMailingLists | Gets a list of your active mailing lists in your account. |
GettingAllActiveMailingListsWithPaging | Gets a list of your active mailing lists in your account. Because the results for this call could be quite big, paging information is required as input. |
GettingMailingListDetails | Gets details for a given mailing list. You may include subscriber statistics in your results or not. Any segments existing for the requested mailing list will not be included in the results. |
RemovingACustomField | Removes a custom field definition from the specified mailing list. |
UpdatingACustomField | Updates the properties of an existing custom field in the specified mailing list. |
UpdatingAMailingList | Updates the properties of an existing mailing list. |
Class | Method |
GettingSegments | Get a list of all segments with their criteria for the given mailing list. |
GettingSegmentDetails | Gets detailed information on a specific segment and its criteria. However, it does not include the subscribers returned by the segment. |
GettingSegmentSubscribers | Gets a list of the subscribers that the specified segment returns according to its criteria. Because the results for this call could be quite big, paging information is required as input. |
CreatingANewSegment | Creates a new empty segment (without criteria) for the given mailing list. You may specify the name of the segment and the way the criteria will match together. |
UpdatingASegment | Updates the properties of an existing segment. You may update the name and match type of the segment. |
AddingCriteriaToSegments | Adds a new criterion (a rule) to the specified segment. |
UpdatingSegmentCriteria | Updates an existing criterion in the specified segment. |
DeletingASegment | Deletes a segment along with its criteria from the mailing list. The subscribers of the mailing list that the segment returned are not deleted or affected in any way. |
Class | Method |
GettingSubscribers | Gets a list of all subscribers in a given mailing list. You may filter the list by setting a date to fetch those subscribed since then and/or by their status. |
GetSubscriberByEmailAddress | Searches for a subscriber with the specified email address in the specified mailing list. |
GetSubscriberById | Searches for a subscriber with the specified unique id in the specified mailing list |
AddingSubscribers | Adds a new subscriber to the specified mailing list. If there is already a subscriber with the specified email address in the list, an update will be performed instead. |
AddingMultipleSubscribers | This method allows you to add multiple subscribers in a mailing list with a single call. If some subscribers already exist with the given email addresses, they will be updated. |
UpdatingASubscriber | Updates a subscriber in the specified mailing list. You can even update the subscribers email, if he has not unsubscribed. |
UnsubscribingSubscribersFromAccount | Unsubscribes a subscriber from the account. |
UnsubscribingSubscribersFromMailingList | Unsubscribes a subscriber from the specified mailing list. The subscriber is not deleted, but moved to the suppression list. |
UnsubscribingSubscribersFromMailingListAndASpecifiedCampaign | Unsubscribes a subscriber from the specified mailing list and the specified campaign. The subscriber is not deleted, but moved to the suppression list. |
RemovingASubscriber | Removes a subscriber from the specified mailing list permanently (without moving to the suppression list). |
RemovingMultipleSubscribers | Removes a list of subscribers from the specified mailing list permanently (without putting them in the suppression list). Any invalid email addresses specified will be ignored. |
- MoosendApi.A
- MoosendApi.ABCampaignData
- MoosendApi.AbTestCampaignSummaryResponse
- MoosendApi.ActivityByLocationResponse
- MoosendApi.AddingCriteriaToSegmentsRequest
- MoosendApi.AddingCriteriaToSegmentsResponse
- MoosendApi.AddingMultipleSubscribersRequest
- MoosendApi.AddingMultipleSubscribersResponse
- MoosendApi.AddingSubscribersRequest
- MoosendApi.AddingSubscribersResponse
- MoosendApi.Analytic
- MoosendApi.B
- MoosendApi.Campaign
- MoosendApi.CampaignSummaryResponse
- MoosendApi.CloningAnExistingCampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.Context
- MoosendApi.Context110
- MoosendApi.Context118
- MoosendApi.Context132
- MoosendApi.Context140
- MoosendApi.Context145
- MoosendApi.Context148
- MoosendApi.Context17
- MoosendApi.Context32
- MoosendApi.Context37
- MoosendApi.Context52
- MoosendApi.Context64
- MoosendApi.Context66
- MoosendApi.Context72
- MoosendApi.Context84
- MoosendApi.Context89
- MoosendApi.Context93
- MoosendApi.CreatingACustomFieldRequest
- MoosendApi.CreatingACustomFieldResponse
- MoosendApi.CreatingADraftCampaignRequest
- MoosendApi.CreatingADraftCampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.CreatingAMailingListRequest
- MoosendApi.CreatingAMailingListResponse
- MoosendApi.CreatingANewSegmentRequest
- MoosendApi.CreatingANewSegmentResponse
- MoosendApi.Criterion
- MoosendApi.CustomField
- MoosendApi.CustomField53
- MoosendApi.CustomFieldsDefinition
- MoosendApi.DeletingACampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.DeletingAMailingListResponse
- MoosendApi.DeletingASegmentResponse
- MoosendApi.Format
- MoosendApi.GetAllCampaignsResponse
- MoosendApi.GetCampaignStatisticsResponse
- MoosendApi.GetCampaignStatisticsWithPagingFilteredResponse
- MoosendApi.GetCampaignsByPageAndPagesizeResponse
- MoosendApi.GetCampaignsByPageResponse
- MoosendApi.GetSubscriberByEmailAddressResponse
- MoosendApi.GetSubscriberByIdResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingAllActiveMailingListsResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingAllActiveMailingListsWithPagingResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingAllYourSendersResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingCampaignDetailsResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingMailingListDetailsResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingSegmentDetailsResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingSegmentSubscribersResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingSegmentsResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingSenderDetailsResponse
- MoosendApi.GettingSubscribersResponse
- MoosendApi.ImportOperation
- MoosendApi.ImportOperation19
- MoosendApi.LinkActivityResponse
- MoosendApi.MailingList
- MoosendApi.MailingList68
- MoosendApi.MailingList69
- MoosendApi.MailingList85
- MoosendApi.MailingLists
- MoosendApi.MailingLists119
- MoosendApi.MailingLists134
- MoosendApi.Paging
- MoosendApi.Paging76
- MoosendApi.RemovingACustomFieldResponse
- MoosendApi.RemovingASubscriberRequest
- MoosendApi.RemovingASubscriberResponse
- MoosendApi.RemovingMultipleSubscribersRequest
- MoosendApi.RemovingMultipleSubscribersResponse
- MoosendApi.ReplyToEmail
- MoosendApi.SchedulingACampaignRequest
- MoosendApi.SchedulingACampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.Segment
- MoosendApi.Sender
- MoosendApi.SendingACampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.ShortBy
- MoosendApi.SortMethod
- MoosendApi.Status
- MoosendApi.Subscriber
- MoosendApi.Subscribers
- MoosendApi.Subscribers150
- MoosendApi.TestingACampaignRequest
- MoosendApi.TestingACampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.Type
- MoosendApi.UnschedulingACampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.UnsubscribingSubscribersFromAccountRequest
- MoosendApi.UnsubscribingSubscribersFromAccountResponse
- MoosendApi.UnsubscribingSubscribersFromMailingListAndASpecifiedCampaignRequest
- MoosendApi.UnsubscribingSubscribersFromMailingListAndASpecifiedCampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.UnsubscribingSubscribersFromMailingListRequest
- MoosendApi.UnsubscribingSubscribersFromMailingListResponse
- MoosendApi.UpdatingACustomFieldRequest
- MoosendApi.UpdatingACustomFieldResponse
- MoosendApi.UpdatingADraftCampaignRequest
- MoosendApi.UpdatingADraftCampaignResponse
- MoosendApi.UpdatingAMailingListRequest
- MoosendApi.UpdatingAMailingListResponse
- MoosendApi.UpdatingASegmentRequest
- MoosendApi.UpdatingASegmentResponse
- MoosendApi.UpdatingASubscriberRequest
- MoosendApi.UpdatingASubscriberResponse
- MoosendApi.UpdatingSegmentCriteriaRequest
- MoosendApi.UpdatingSegmentCriteriaResponse
- MoosendApi.WithStatistics