WoT Hive is an implementation of a W3C Web of Things directory . This implementation is compliant with the standard specification but aims at providing enriched features thanks to the usage of other W3C standards related to Semantic Web technologies.
Checkout our wiki for more documentation
Temporally the functionality that introduces the registration information in the Things has been disable (version 0.2.0 and above). Also, at the light of a new update in the Thing Descriptions the semantic validation lacks of a proper shacl shape file and therefore it is strongly recomended to disable this kind of validation.
Copy this receipt in a docker-compose.yml file
version: '2'
image: acimmino/helio-cloud-rdf4jstore:latest
- ./triplestore:/usr/src/helio-cloud-rdf4jstore/rdf4j
- '4567:4567'
image: acimmino/wot-hive:latest
# volumes:
# - ./wothive/configuration.json:/usr/src/wothive/configuration.json
- '9000:9000'
[OPTIONAL] Uncomment wothive volume to have access to the configuration file in your host machine
Run the docker command
docker-compose up
IMPORTANT: In order to connect the WoT Hive to the triplestore docker service a POST
request must be sent to /configuration/triplestore
containing the in the body the following JSON
"updateEnpoint": "http://triplestore:4567/sparql",
"queryEnpoint": "http://triplestore:4567/sparql",
"queryUsingGET": true
## Jar quick start
##### `Requires a triple store service publishing a SPARQL endpoint to store the Thing Descriptions`
#### 1. Download the WoT Hive service
Download the latest release of WoT Hive into a folder. Notice that the releases have several files that must be downloaded and placed in the same folder:
* **log4j.properties** allows to customise the logs of the service
* **schema.json** allows to perform JSON schema validation over the Thing Descriptions
* **shape.ttl** allows to perform SHACL shapes validation over the Thing Descriptions
* **wothive.jar** is the jar of the service
Once downloaded all the resources in the same folder the service can be ran using the command
java -jar wothive.jar
When the service is up and running a file called configuration.json will be created in the directory of the jar. The service will run by default in port 9000.
In order to connect the WoT Hive to a remote triple store a POST
request must be sent to /configuration/triplestore
containing the in the body the following JSON
"updateEnpoint": "http://localhost:4567/sparql",
"queryEnpoint": "http://localhost:4567/sparql",
"queryUsingGET": true
Notice that "queryEndpoint"
and "updateEndpoint"
must have as value the correct endpoints of the triple store for either querying or inserting data. Finally, if the triple store implements the SPARQL protocol through GET
requests then leave "queryUsingGET": true
, otherwise, for using POST
set it to false "queryUsingGET": false
Endpoint | Method | Headers | Reference | Description |
/.well-known/wot-thing-description |
N/A |
Introduction Mechanim | Provides the Thing Description of the WoT Hive directory |
/configuration |
N/A |
Management | Provides a JSON with the all the configurations of the WoT Hive |
/configuration |
N/A |
Management | The body of the request must contain a JSON with all the configurations of the WoT Hive. |
/api/things{?offset,limit,sort_by,sort_order} |
Accept : application/td+json or text/turtle |
Listing | Provides a listing of the stored Thing Descriptions in JSON-LD framed or Turtle |
/api/things |
Content-Type : application/td+json |
Creation (Anonymous) | Creates an anonymous Thing Description, provided in the body as JSON-LD framed. The generated :id is output in the response headers |
/api/things/{:id} |
Accept : application/td+json or text/turtle |
Retrieval | Retrieves the Thing Description with the provided id, in either JSON-LD framed or turtle |
/api/things/{:id} |
Content-Type : application/td+json or text/turtle |
Creation or Update | Creates an Thing Description, provided in the body as JSON-LD framed or turtle |
/api/things/{:id} |
Content-Type : application/merge-patch+json |
Partial Update | Partially updates an existing Thing Description, the updates must be provided in JSON-LD framed |
/api/things/{:id} |
N/A |
Deletion | Partially updates an existing Thing Description, the updates must be provided in JSON-LD framed |
api/search/jsonpath{?query} |
N/A |
JSON path search | Filters existing Thing Descriptions based on the provided JSON path, the output will be always in JSON-LD framed |
api/search/sparql{?query} |
Accept : application/sparql-results+json , application/sparql-results+xml , text/csv , or text/tab-separated-values |
SPARQL search | Solves a SPARQL query following the standard, results format are in JSON by default if no header is specified. Otherwise available formats are JSON(application/sparql-results+json), XML (application/sparql-results+xml), CSV (text/csv), or TSV (text/tab-separated-values) |
api/events{?diff} |
N/A |
Notifications | Subscribe to all the events of the service (create , update , and delete ) using the Server-Sends-Events (SSE) protocol |
api/events/create{?diff} |
N/A |
Notifications | Subscribe to all the create events of the service using the Server-Sends-Events (SSE) protocol |
api/events/update{?diff} |
N/A |
Notifications | Subscribe to all the update events of the service using the Server-Sends-Events (SSE) protocol |
api/events/delete{?diff} |
N/A |
Notifications | Subscribe to all the delete events of the service using the Server-Sends-Events (SSE) protocol |
Validation can be configured to ran using the JSON schema of the Thing Descriptions and/or their SHACL shapes.
This project has been partially funded by the European project AURORAL from the European Union's Horizont 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº101016854.