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Websocket and Servlet Guice Scopes automatically transferred between threads


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Servlet and Websocket Guice Scopes

containerCallScope (either a HttpServletRequest or a websocket Endpoint event), websocketConnectionScope (javax.websocket.Session) and httpSessionScope for use in servlet+websocket apps and standalone websocket apps (both client and server).
Copyright 2021 Piotr Morgwai Kotarbinski, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

latest release: 17.1
javax flavor (javadoc) - supports Servlet 4.0.1 and Websocket 1.1 APIs
jakarta flavor (javadoc) - supports Servlet 5.0.0 to at least 6.0.0 and Websocket 2.0.0 to at least 2.1.1 APIs


Provides the below Guice Scopes:

Scopes bindings to either an HttpServletRequest or a websocket event (connection opened/closed, message received, error occurred).
Spans over a single container-initiated call to either one of Servlet's doXXX(...) methods or to a websocket Endpoint life-cycle method (annotated with one of the websocket annotations or overriding those of javax.websocket.Endpoint or of registered javax.websocket.MessageHandlers).
Having a common Scope for servlet requests and websocket events allows to inject scoped objects both in Servlets and Endpoints without a need for 2 separate bindings in user Modules. This Scope may be used in all 3 container types.

Scopes bindings to a websocket connection (javax.websocket.Session).
Spans over a lifetime of a given endpoint instance: all calls to life-cycle methods of a given Endpoint instance (annotated with @OnOpen, @OnMessage, @OnError, @OnClose, or overriding those of javax.websocket.Endpoint together with methods of registered MessageHandlers) are executed within the same associated websocketConnectionScope. This Scope may be used in websocket containers both on a client and on a server side.

Scopes bindings to a given HttpSession. Available only in Servlet containers to Servlets and optionally server Endpoints.

All the above scopes are built using guice-context-scopes lib, so they are automatically transferred when dispatching using AsyncContext, RequestDispatcher or ContextTrackingExecutor.



Obtains Endpoint instances from Guice and ensures their methods run within websocket Contexts by wrapping them with context-aware proxies. May be used directly to obtain client Endpoint instances.

Annotation for client Endpoints that should be injected using a GuiceEndpointConfigurator.

Defines containerCallScope and websocketConnectionScope, configures GuiceEndpointConfigurator. Necessary in all 3 container types.

ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator (for use in @ServerEndpoint annotations as configurator argument) that obtains server Endpoint instances from a GuiceEndpointConfigurator.

Module for standalone websocket server apps. Initializes GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator.


Module for mixed Servlet-websocket apps. Embeds a WebsocketModule and defines httpSessionScope.

Base class for app ServletContextListeners, creates and configures the app-wide Injector and ServletWebsocketModule, initializes GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator. Provides helper methods for programmatically adding Servlets, Filters and websocket Endpoints.


Binds closures (Runnables, Consumers, Callables etc) to Contexts that were active at the time of a given binding. This can be used to transfer Contexts semi-automatically when manually switching Threads, for example when passing callbacks to async functions.

Interface and decorator for an Executor that automatically transfers active Contexts using its associated ContextBinder when executing tasks.

GuiceEndpointConfigurator that additionally automatically registers and deregisters created Endpoints to its associated WebsocketPingerService.

Annotation for client Endpoints that should be injected using a PingingEndpointConfigurator.

Subclass of WebsocketModule that allows to automatically register Endpoint instances to a WebsocketPingerService using PingingEndpointConfigurator.

GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator that uses PingingEndpointConfigurator.

GuiceServletContextListener that uses PingingWebsocketModule and PingingEndpointConfigurator. Creates and configures the app-wide WebsocketPingerService.


Adding Guice Modules and programmatic Servlets and Endpoints in a ServletContextListener

public class MyServletContextListener extends GuiceServletContextListener {
                          // ...or `extends PingingServletContextListener {`

    protected LinkedList<Module> configureInjections() {
        final var modules = new LinkedList<Module>();
        modules.add((binder) -> {
                // @Inject Provider<SomeService> myServiceProvider;
                // will now work both in servlets and endpoints
            // more bindings here...
        return modules;

    protected void addServletsFiltersEndpoints() throws ServletException, DeploymentException {

        // MyServlet and MyProgrammaticEndpoint instances will have their dependencies injected
        addServlet("myServlet", MyServlet.class, "/myServlet");
        addEndpoint(MyProgrammaticEndpoint.class, "/websocket/myProgrammaticSocket");
        // more servlets / filters / endpoints here...

NOTE: If the servlet container being used uses mechanism other than the standard Java Serialization to persist/replicate HttpSessions, then a deployment init-param named pl.morgwai.base.servlet.guice.scopes.HttpSessionContext.customSerialization must be set to true either in web.xml or programmatically before any request is served (for example in ServletContextListener.contextInitialized(event)).

Using annotated server Endpoints

    value = "/websocket/myAnnotatedSocket",
    configurator = GuiceServerEndpointConfigurator.class  // ...or PingingServerEndpointConfigurator
public class MyAnnotatedEndpoint {

    @Inject Provider<SomeService> myServiceProvider;  // will be injected automatically

    // endpoint implementation here...

Note: in case of annotated Endpoints, it is also necessary either for app's ServletContextListener to extend GuiceServletContextListener / PingingServletContextListener or to perform the setup manually as explained before.

Websocket client app sample

public class MyWebsocketClientApp {

    static final String SERVER_URL = "url";
    static final String REQUEST = "request";

    @Inject @Named(SERVER_URL) String serverUrl;
    @Inject @Named(REQUEST) String request;
    @Inject @GuiceClientEndpoint MyClientEndpoint endpoint;
    @Inject WebSocketContainer container;

    public static class MyClientEndpoint {

        @Inject ResponseProcessor responseProcessor;
        Session connection;
        final CountDownLatch connectionClosed = new CountDownLatch(1);
        @OnOpen public void onOpen(Session connection) {
            this.connection = connection;

        @OnMessage public void onMessage(String serverReply) {
            try {
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ignored) {}
        @OnClose public void onClose() {

        void awaitClosure(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
            connectionClosed.await(timeout, unit);

    void startAndAwait(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws Exception {
            final var connection = container.connectToServer(endpoint, URI.create(serverUrl));
        ) {
            endpoint.awaitClosure(timeout, unit);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final var modules = new ArrayList<Module>();
        final var websocketModule = new WebsocketModule(false, MyClientEndpoint.class);
        modules.add((binder) -> {
            binder.bind(ResponseProcessor.class);  // has default or @inject constructor
            // more bindings here...
        // more modules here...
        final var injector = Guice.createInjector(modules);
        final var myApp = injector.getInstance(MyWebsocketClientApp.class);
        myApp.startAndAwait(10, SECONDS);

    static WebSocketContainer createClientWebsocketContainer() {
        // container specific code

Websocket standalone server container sample

public class MyWebsocketServer {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final var port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        final var deploymentPath = args[1];
        final var modules = new ArrayList<Module>();
        final var websocketModule = new WebsocketModule(false);
        final var serverModule = new StandaloneWebsocketServerModule(deploymentPath);
        modules.add((binder) -> {
            // more bindings here...
        // more modules here...
        final var injector = Guice.createInjector(modules);
        final var server = createServer(port, deploymentPath, Config.class);
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {

    public static class Config implements ServerApplicationConfig {

        public Set<Class<?>> getAnnotatedEndpointClasses(Set<Class<?>> scanned) {
            return Set.of(MyAnnotatedEndpoint.class);

        public Set<ServerEndpointConfig> getEndpointConfigs(Set<Class<? extends Endpoint>> s) {
            return Set.of();

    Server createServer(int port, String deploymentPath, Class<?>... configs) {
        // container specific code

Dependency management

Dependencies of this jar on guice is declared as optional, so that apps can use any version with compatible API.

Standalone websocket apps must include servlet-api in their dependencies (javax or jakarta respectively).

There are 2 builds available:

  • build with shadedbytebuddy classifier includes relocated dependency on byte-buddy. Most apps should use this build. To do so, add <classifier>shadedbytebuddy</classifier> to your dependency declaration.
  • "default" build does not include any shaded dependencies and dependency on byte-buddy is marked as optional. This is useful for apps that also depend on byte-buddy and need to save space (byte-buddy is over 3MB in size). Note that the version provided by the app needs to be compatible with the version that servlet-scopes depends on (in regard to features used by servlet-scopes). If this is not the case, then shadedbytebuddy build should be used.


Tyrus connection proxy that provides unified, websocket API compliant access to clustered websocket connections and properties.


a trivial sample app built from the test code.


Why isn't this built on top of official servlet scopes lib?

  • the official Guice-servlet has some serious issues
  • in order to extend the official Guice-servlet lib to support websockets, the code would need to pretend that everything is an HttpServletRequest (websocket events and websocket connections would need to be wrapped in some fake HttpSevletRequest wrappers), which seems awkward.
  • guice-context-scopes allows to remove objects from scopes.

Why do I have to install myself a filter that creates HTTP session for websocket requests? Can't addEnsureSessionFilter("/*") be called automatically?

Always enforcing a session creation is not acceptable in many cases, so this would limit applicability of this lib. Reasons may be technical (cookies disabled, non-browser clients that don't even follow redirections), legal (user explicitly refusing any data storage) and probably others. It's a sad trade-off between applicability and API safety.