The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin that displays menu items in a nested sliding style.
Download file and upload it to wordpress plugins folder, then activate it. If you download release file, you should extract it to find file.
The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin that displays menu items in a nested sliding style. It works with shortcode and you can use [simple_nested_menu] shortcode for displaying menus in your posts.The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin with some special attributes for styling and fetching menus items. You can use the name or id attribute of a menu for fetching its items.
To use this plugin, after activation of the plugin, you have to place [simple_nested_menu] shortcode in your posts and set the name or id attribute of the menu.
Attributes of this plugin:
name: Title of a menu
id: Menu ID
classname: If you want to use this shortcode multiple times, it is better to set this attribute to something like class1 or class2 or any other thing.
bgcolor: Background color for menu
font: Font color for menu items
bghover: Background color on mouse hover
fonthover: Font color on mouse hover
border: CSS code for items border (e.g: solid 1px #FFF)
How to use this plugin:
After activation of the plugin:
Step#1) Go to menu management section (in admin panel) and create your menu. Remember the name of menu.
Step#2) Place [simple_nested_menu] shortcode in a post or any other proper place. Set the name or ID attribute. (e.g:[simple_nested_menu name="test menu"] )
That's it!
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