This is an annotation tool for the dont be turtle proj.
$ git clone
$ cmake CMakeLists.txt
$ make
Placing your dataset at ./images_for_annoation
by creating a subfolder.
For example, when you place the LSP dataset, the images could be located at
$ python --imagedir=$IMAGE_DIR
When running this program, two windows are popped up:
- One shows the images that is currently annotating.
- Another shows which keypoint is currently pointed.
We can have three choices before starting the annotation:
- Press ENTER to annotate the current image
- Press SPACE to skip the current image
Then the annotation is manipulated by the following:
- Left Click + Any key: Annotate a visible joint and register
- Right Click + Any key: Annotate a occluded joint and register
- TAB: Current joint is not applicable for current image
The annotation results are formatted by a JSON
For example,
"image_path": "./images_for_annotation/lsp_dataset/images/front_normal_10754.jpg",
"head": [ 248 ,127, 0 ],
"nose": [ 251 ,284, 0 ],
"Rshoulder": [ 87 ,406, 0 ],
"Lshoulder": [ 412 ,399, 0 ]
And, being recorded at
Note that one label json file is generated for one input image (one to one corresponding relation for the image and label).
- Jaewook Kang (