This site is a proof of concept. A user may enter Python code and the site will run it securely in a sandboxed environment. The result of the code is then compared to the expected result and returned to the user. This forms the basis of a code testing site.
The site:
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
$ pip install Django psycopg2
The backend: Debian + Apparmor + virtualenv, will add more here soon.
$ python migrate
$ python collectstatic
Generate a new secret key and place it in bikeshare_tools/SECRET_KEY
Run the project with uWSGI:
$ uwsgi -ini uwsgi.ini
This will create a socket in the project folder which Nginx/Apache etc can proxy to.
If using nginx
location /devcert {
uwsgi_pass unix:/home/nap/fizzbuzzcert/fizzbuzzcert.sock;
include /home/nap/fizzbuzzcert/uwsgi_params;
location /devcert/static {
alias /home/nap/fizzbuzzcert/fizzbuzzcert/static;
will route for the URL domain.tld/devsite/
- Django 1.11 - The web framework
- PostgreSQL - The database
- AppArmor - The Linux security system used to securely run the submitted code
- CodeMirror - Pretty code editor on the testing page
- Imad Mouhtassem - Initial Work