Monitor Cron e2e Tests #601
3 errors, 5 warnings, and 1 notice
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-new-account.spec.ts:59:3 › stage - Verify the Landing Page Functionality - new account › Verify the "Start free monitoring" button UI and functionality with a new account:
1) [firefox] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-new-account.spec.ts:59:3 › stage - Verify the Landing Page Functionality - new account › Verify the "Start free monitoring" button UI and functionality with a new account
Error: locator.fill: Error: strict mode violation: locator('div.card input') resolved to 22 elements:
1) <input readonly type="email" class="hidden" autocomplete="username" value=""/> aka locator('input[type="email"]')
2) <input value="" type="password" name="newPassword" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" data-testid="new-password-input-field" class="pb-1 pt-5 px-3 font-body rounded text-start w-[90%]"/> aka getByTestId('new-password-input-field')
3) <input value="" type="password" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" name="confirmPassword" data-testid="verify-password-input-field" class="pb-1 pt-5 px-3 font-body rounded text-start w-[90%]"/> aka getByTestId('verify-password-input-field')
4) <input value="" name="age" type="text" maxlength="3" pattern="[0-9]*" inputmode="numeric" data-testid="age-input-field" class="pb-1 pt-5 px-3 font-body rounded text-start w-full"/> aka getByTestId('age-input-field')
5) <input type="checkbox" class="flex-shrink-0 appearance-none border w-4 h-4 transition-standard rounded-sm focus:outline-2 focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline focus-visible:outline focus:outline-blue-500 focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-500 active:outline-2 active:outline-offset-2 active:outline active:outline-blue-500 ltr:mr-3 rtl:ml-3 bg-grey-50 active:bg-grey-200 hover:bg-grey-100 border-grey-300"/> aka getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Get our latest news and' })
6) <input type="checkbox" class="flex-shrink-0 appearance-none border w-4 h-4 transition-standard rounded-sm focus:outline-2 focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline focus-visible:outline focus:outline-blue-500 focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-500 active:outline-2 active:outline-offset-2 active:outline active:outline-blue-500 ltr:mr-3 rtl:ml-3 bg-grey-50 active:bg-grey-200 hover:bg-grey-100 border-grey-300"/> aka getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Action alerts to reclaim the' })
7) <input type="checkbox" class="flex-shrink-0 appearance-none border w-4 h-4 transition-standard rounded-sm focus:outline-2 focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline focus-visible:outline focus:outline-blue-500 focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-500 active:outline-2 active:outline-offset-2 active:outline active:outline-blue-500 ltr:mr-3 rtl:ml-3 bg-grey-50 active:bg-grey-200 hover:bg-grey-100 border-grey-300"/> aka getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Early access to test new' })
8) <input name="state" type="hidden" data-testid="google-signin-form-state" value="…/> aka getByTestId('google-signin-form-state')
9) <input type="hidden" name="client_id" value=""/> aka locator('form').filter({ hasText: 'Continue with Google' }).locator('input[name="client_id"]')
10) <input name="scope" type="hidden" value="openid email profile"/> aka locator('form').filter({ hasText: 'Continue with Google' }).locator('input[name="scope"]')
Call log:
- waiting for locator('div.card input')
at ../pages/authPage.ts:38
36 |
37 | async enterVerificationCode(code: string) {
> 38 | await this.verifyCodeInputField.fill(code);
| ^
39 | await this.continue({ waitForURL: "**/u
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:48:3 › stage - Breach Scan:
2) [firefox] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:48:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card
Test timeout of 180000ms exceeded while running "beforeEach" hook.
12 | );
13 |
> 14 | test.beforeEach(async ({ page, authPage, landingPage, welcomePage }) => {
| ^
15 |{
16 | type: "testrail id",
17 | description:
at /home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:14:8
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:48:3 › stage - Breach Scan:
2) [firefox] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:48:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card
Error: Test timeout of 180000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for getByText('AtlantaGA, USA', { exact: true })
at ../pages/welcomeScanPage.ts:90
88 | await this.lastNameInputField.fill("Ackerman");
89 | await this.cityStateInputField.pressSequentially("Atlanta, GA, USA");
> 90 | await"AtlantaGA, USA", { exact: true }).click();
| ^
91 | await this.dobInputField.fill("2002-01-01");
92 | await;
93 |
at WelcomePage.goThroughFirstScan (/home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/pages/welcomeScanPage.ts:90:66)
at /home/runner/work/blurts-server/blurts-server/src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:43:5
Slow Test:
[chromium] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts#L1
[chromium] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts took 47.0s
Slow Test:
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts#L1
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts took 46.2s
Slow Test:
[chromium] › src/e2e/specs/dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts#L1
[chromium] › src/e2e/specs/dashboard/dashboard-breaches-scan.spec.ts took 42.7s
Slow Test:
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-content.spec.ts#L1
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-content.spec.ts took 27.2s
Slow Test:
[chromium] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-content.spec.ts#L1
[chromium] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-content.spec.ts took 24.0s
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
2 flaky
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/landing/landing-new-account.spec.ts:59:3 › stage - Verify the Landing Page Functionality - new account › Verify the "Start free monitoring" button UI and functionality with a new account
[firefox] › src/e2e/specs/purchase.spec.ts:48:3 › stage - Breach Scan, Monitor Plus Purchase Flow › Verify that the user can purchase the plus subscription with a Stripe card
6 skipped
72 passed (13.4m)
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
13.5 MB |
12.4 MB |