MultiMQL library for calculating support/resistance from the previous day, divided by 4.
cd "YourMT4(5)TerminalPath\MQL4(5)\Include"
git clone MqlSystems/4ChannelSR
//| 4ChannelSRTest.mqh |
//| Copyright 2022-2024. Diamond Systems Corp. and Odiljon T. |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022-2024. Diamond Systems Corp. and Odiljon T."
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
#include <MqlSystems/4ChannelSR/4ChannelSR.mqh>
C4ChannelSR Chsr;
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
if (! Chsr.Init(_Symbol, FCHSR_PERIOD_W1, 10))
Alert("Error initializing 4ChannelSR");
if (! Chsr.Calculate())
Alert("Error when calculating 4ChannelSR data");
ChannelSRInfo ChsrInfo;
double supportPrice, resistancePrice;
double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
string bidStr = DoubleToString(bid, _Digits);
for (int i = 0; i < Chsr.Total(); i++)
ChsrInfo = Chsr.At(i);
supportPrice = ChsrInfo.GetSupport(bid, 1); // Support 1
resistancePrice = ChsrInfo.GetResistance(bid, 1); // Resistance 1
Print("------", i, "------");
Print("stepSR: ", ChsrInfo.stepSR);
Print("mainPrice: ", ChsrInfo.mainPrice);
Print("high: ", ChsrInfo.high);
Print("low: ", ChsrInfo.low);
Print("time: ", ChsrInfo.time);
Print("timeZoneStart: ", ChsrInfo.timeZoneStart);
Print("timeZoneEnd: ", ChsrInfo.timeZoneEnd);
Print(StringFormat("GetSupport(%s, 1): %s", bidStr, DoubleToString(supportPrice, _Digits)));
Print(StringFormat("GetResistance(%s, 1): %s", bidStr, DoubleToString(resistancePrice, _Digits)));
There is a real example for the indicator.