--- Online Group Study MERN Assignment ---
- Create, update, participate and marking an assignment
- Firebase authentication
- Pagination at all-assignment page
- JWT token security
VITE_APIKEY= "Your Firebase Api Key"
VITE_AUTHDOMAIN="Your Firebase domain"
VITE_PROJECTID="Your FireBase project Id"
VITE_STORAGEBUCKET= "Your Firebase Storage Bucket"
VITE_MESSAGINGSENDERID="Your Firebase Messaging Sender id"
VITE_APPID="Your Firebase App Id"
DB_USER="Database (MongoDB) User Id"
DB_PASS="Database (MongoDb) password"
Home Page: At the home page there are a navbar containing website logo all assignment,create assignment,my assignment, submitted assignment and login/logout/register button ,with these user can easily navigate through out the website.And a banner,feature,faq and footer section.
Assignment Page: At the assignment page user can see all the assignment created by any registered user .And this is a public route.
Create Assignment Page: This is a protected route.Only a registered user can create a assignment for all users.In this page , there will be a form including all field for creating a new assignment.
Update Page: On the assignment page there is be a update assignment button ,from this page user can update the assignment
Pagination: At the all assignment page ,I have implemented pagination , where a user can use links such as "next", "previous", and page numbers to navigate between pages that display one page of results at a time.
My Assignment Page: Only a registered user who have submitted the assignment before, can see his/her submitted assignments (both pending and completed).Also user can see his/her marks and examiner feedback.
Submitted Assignment Page: Here user can see all the submitted assignment of all the registered user,who takes part in the assignment.
Marking an Assignment: On the submitted assignment page there is a Give mark button ,on clicking this button examiner can evaluate the assignment and then the assignment status will be completed.
JWT token implemented: WTs or JSON Web Tokens are most commonly used to identify an authenticated user. They are issued by an authentication server and are consumed by the client-server (to secure its APIs)