A Flutter plugin that wraps the native Braintree SDKs. Unlike other plugins, this plugin not only lets you start Braintree's native Drop-in UI, but also allows you to create your own custom Flutter UI with Braintree functionality.
Custom UI is still early in development and does not yet work on iOS!
Add flutter_braintree to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_braintree: <version>
You must migrate to AndroidX.
In /app/build.gradle
, set your minSdkVersion
to at least 21
In order for this plugin to support PayPal, Venmo or 3D Secure payments, you must allow for the
browser switch by adding an intent filter to your AndroidManifest.xml
(inside the <application>
<activity android:name="com.braintreepayments.api.BraintreeBrowserSwitchActivity"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="${applicationId}.braintree" />
Important: Your app's URL scheme must begin with your app's package ID and end with .braintree
. For example, if the Package ID is com.your-company.your-app
, then your URL scheme should be com.your-company.your-app.braintree
. ${applicationId}
is automatically applied with your app's package when using Gradle.
Note: The scheme you define must use all lowercase letters. If your package contains underscores, the underscores should be removed when specifying the scheme in your Android Manifest.
Add the wallet enabled meta-data tag to your AndroidManifest.xml
(inside the <application>
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.wallet.api.enabled" android:value="true"/>
Warning: Device data collection is not yet supported for iOS.
In your App Delegate or your Runner project, you need to specify the URL scheme for redirecting payments as following:
Moreover, you need to specify the same URL scheme in your Info.plist
See the official Braintree documentation for a more detailed explanation.
First, import the plugin:
import 'package:flutter_braintree/flutter_braintree.dart';
Warning: This feature is only implemented for Android.
Create a credit card request object:
final request = BraintreeCreditCardRequest(
cardNumber: '4111111111111111',
expirationMonth: '12',
expirationYear: '2021',
Then ask Braintree to tokenize it:
BraintreePaymentMethodNonce result = await Braintree.tokenizeCreditCard(
'<Insert your tokenization key or client token here>',
Create a PayPal request object:
final request = BraintreePayPalRequest(amount: '13.37');
Or, for the Vault flow:
final request = BraintreePayPalRequest(
billingAgreementDescription: 'I hearby agree that flutter_braintree is great.',
Then launch the PayPal request:
BraintreePaymentMethodNonce result = await Braintree.requestPaypalNonce(
'<Insert your tokenization key or client token here>',
if (result != null) {
print('Nonce: ${result.nonce}');
} else {
print('PayPal flow was canceled.');
Create a drop-in request object:
final request = BraintreeDropInRequest(
clientToken: '<Insert your client token here>',
collectDeviceData: true,
googlePaymentRequest: BraintreeGooglePaymentRequest(
totalPrice: '4.20',
currencyCode: 'USD',
billingAddressRequired: false,
paypalRequest: BraintreePayPalRequest(
amount: '4.20',
displayName: 'Example company',
Then launch the drop-in:
BraintreeDropInResult result = await BraintreeDropIn.start(request);
Access the payment nonce:
if (result != null) {
print('Nonce: ${result.paymentMethodNonce.nonce}');
} else {
print('Selection was canceled.');
See BraintreeDropInRequest
and BraintreeDropInResult
for more documentation.