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mrfearless edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

The EEex.ini file is created in the same folder as the EEex loader if it doesnt already exist. The windows style ini file contains two sections at minimum and can store additional sections for type 2 patterns:

  • [Options]
  • [EEex]

Options Section

Currently the options section has four keys that are defined with their default values (based on compiled settings in EEex.dll), and these can be modified to change aspects of the EEex.dll operation:

  • Log=3 - logging level: 0=no logging, 1=basic information, 2=detailed information, 3=debug information (default)
  • Lua=0 - experimental - if EEex.dll is compiled with the lua v5.2.3 static library then settings this value to 1 will enable the use of the static lua library functions instead of the EE game searched for lua functions. Default value is 0
  • Hex=1 - Output addresses as hexidecimal: 0=decimal, 1=hexidecimal (default)
  • Msg=1 - Warning messagebox: 0=ignore/don't show, 1=show (default)

EEex Section

This section stores as list of key names representing the patterns that have been found in the EE game and the addres of the pattern. In some cases the pattern address corresponds directly with the EE game function, in most cases it does not, and especially for EE game global variables. The EEex.log file has a list of resolved addresses for EE game functions and EE game globals under the Address List section (if logging is enabled)

Example of EEex section entries:


Note: For an explanation of the use of equ used instead of = in key names, see this wiki entry EEex.db Pattern Database

PatternName Section

Type 2 patterns are stored in a section name that represents the name of the type 2 pattern. The key values stored in this section represent an array of addresses for which the type 2 pattern was found and matched against. The total number of matched addresses is stored in the Count key. Each address entry is enumerated as key 0, 1, 2 etc - using a 0 based index.

Example of a type 2 pattern section and entries (first few shown for brevity):

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