Prevent label editing if root item or cJSON item is an object - via F2 or doubleclick
Grey context menu Edit Item, if root item or cJSON item is an object
Grey context menu items Export to Clip/Disk if not a branch (root item or cJSON item array or object only)
Update cJSON item name when adding a new item
Update cJSON item value if item is a string or a number
Default selection for labeledit based on cJSON itemtype (name or value or all)
Update cJSON item array count if item is an array, when adding a new item, deleting
Update cJSON item array count if labeledit at post edit - via timer hack
Prevent Ctrl+PgDn/Ctrl+PgUp whilst labeledit is occuring
Prevent accelerator shortcut key from adding item if cJSON item is not an array or object
Updated accelerator shortcut keys for more menu and context menu items
Fixed save and export of tree or branch to file or clipboard - hopefully!
Fix export bitmap's odd pixels
Disable Copy Branch and Paste Branch in code as still requires fixing
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