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FilaTrack - The Smart Filament Tracker

FilaTrack is a Flask-based Python web app for managing 3D printing filament usage and print jobs. It tracks filament rolls, logs print jobs, and integrates with PrusaSlicer to automatically import print data.


  • Filament Roll Management: Add, edit, duplicate, and delete filament rolls.
  • Print Job Tracking: Log print jobs, assign them to specific filament rolls, and track filament usage.
  • Unreviewed Print Jobs: Temporary print job storage for review and approval.
  • PrusaSlicer | OrcaSlicer | AnycubicSlicer Integration: Automatically import print job details from G-code.
  • Search and Filter: Easily search and filter through filament rolls and print jobs.
  • Data Persistence: Uses an SQLite database to store all information.
  • Bootstrap-based UI: Responsive and user-friendly design.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd filament-tracker
  2. Run the application using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up -d --build
  3. The database will be stored in the ./data/ directory, which should be backed up regularly to prevent data loss.

Running the Application

The application will run as a Docker container. Access it in your browser at

Slicer Integration

FilaTrack can automatically capture filament usage and project names from different slicers using a post-processing script.

Supported / Tested Slicers

  • PrusaSlicer
  • OrcaSlicer
  • AnycubicSlicer and AnycubicSlicerNext

✅ How It Works

  1. When you export the gcode of a model in a supported Slicer, it executes a specific script as a post-processing script.
  2. This script extracts relevant metadata from the generated G-code file, such as:
    • Filament weight (g)
    • Project name (from filename or slicer environment variables)
    • Slicing timestamp
  3. The extracted data is sent to FilaTrack as an unreviewed print job, where you can assign a filament roll and finalize it.

🔧 Setting Up the Integration

1️⃣ Execute the Setup Script

  1. Open the /integrations folder and execute setup_integrations.ps1 (PowerShell script)
  2. Follow the prompts in the script (pay attention!)
  3. At the end of the setup, you will see a command printed on the screen that you need to add to the post-processing script in your slicer software.

2️⃣ Add the Post-Processing Script in PrusaSlicer

  1. Open PrusaSlicer.
  2. Go to Printer Settings → Custom G-code → Post-processing scripts.
  3. Add the command printed at the end of the script execution.

2️⃣ Add the Post-Processing Script in OrcaSlicer, AnycubicSlicer or AnycubicSlicerNext

  1. Open Slicer.
  2. Go to Process → Others Tab → Post-processing scripts.
  3. Add the command printed at the end of the script execution.

3️⃣ How to Manually Run (Testing)

You can manually run the script to test how it processes a G-code file:

python "C:\path\to\your_model.gcode"

If successful, you should see something like:

INFO:root:Processing G-code: arcwelder/test.gcode
INFO:root:Successfully sent data to Filament Tracker API

4️⃣ Assigning the Unreviewed Print Jobs

  1. Open FilaTrack (http://localhost:5000).
  2. Under Unreviewed Print Jobs, find the newly added entry.
  3. Click Approve, select the correct filament roll, adjust values if needed, and save the print job.


FilaTrack UI

Adding a Filament Roll

  • Click on the 1️⃣ "Add Roll" button.
  • Enter details like Maker, Color, Total Weight, and Remaining Weight.
  • Click "Add Roll" to save it.

Logging a Print Job

  • Click on the 2️⃣ "Add Print Job" button.
  • Select a filament roll, enter the print job details, and click "Add Print Job".
  • The remaining filament weight will automatically be updated.

Reviewing Temporary Print Jobs

  • Temporary jobs appear in the "Unreviewed Print Jobs" section.
  • Click 6️⃣ ✅ Approve to finalize a job.
  • Click 7️⃣ 🗑️ Delete to remove it.

Managing Filament Rolls and Print Jobs

Each entry has action buttons:

  • 3️⃣ & 8️⃣ 📄 Duplicate: Clone an existing filament roll or print job.
  • 4️⃣ & 9️⃣ ✏️ Edit: Modify the details.
  • 5️⃣ & 🔟 🗑️ Delete: Remove an entry (deleting a filament roll will also delete associated print jobs).

Database Management

The database is mounted to the local ./data/ directory as defined in docker-compose.yml (feel free to change this):

      - ./data:/app/data


  1. Ensure that if you map this to an existing folder (e.g. NAS volume), you need to give RW permission to EVERYONE for that folder.
  2. Ensure that this folder is backed up regularly to avoid data loss.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

Happy Printing! 🎨🎭


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