The library provides storing particular amount of subsequent readings (measurement burst) in 16 bit resolution and calculates relevant statistical values from them (median, average, middle average, minimum, and maximum).
- Particle.h: Includes alternative (C++) data type definitions.
- math.h: Includes standard C++ mathematics, needed for fabs().
- Arduino.h: Main include file for the Arduino SDK version greater or equal to 100.
- inttypes.h: Integer type conversions. This header file includes the exact-width integer definitions and extends them with additional facilities provided by the implementation.
- gbj_apphelpers: Custom library loaded from the file
for a generic application logic.
The subfolder tests
in the folder extras
, i.e., gbj_smoothing/extras/test
, contains testing files, usually just one, with unit tests of library gbj_smoothing executable by Unity test runner. Each testing file should be placed in an individual test folder of a particular project, usually in the structure test/<testname>/<testfile>
- smoothing_filter: Test suite providing test cases for smoothing and all relevant public methods.
All constants are embedded into the class as static ones.
- VERSION: Name and semantic version of the library.
The getters in italic are static and can be called directly from the library without need their instantiation.
- gbj_smoothing()
- init()
- registerData()
- getMedian()
- getAverage()
- getMidAverage()
- getMaximum()
- getMinimum()
- getValueMin()
- getValueMax()
- getFilterMin()
- getFilterMax()
- getDelay()
- getDelayDft()
- getDelayMin()
- getDelayMax()
- getBufferLen()
- getBufferLenDft()
- getBufferLenMin()
- getBufferLenMax()
- getReadings()
Constructor creates the data buffer within a class instance object, which holds a series of data values that should be substituted by a statistical value.
- Class enables delay between registering data values in order to settle a sensor, especially its analog-digital converter between readings.
- One class instance object can be employ for statistical processing of multiple parameters (sensors).
- Input arguments values are considered as global and valid for all processed statistical variables and all their readings.
- If some input argument value is not suitable for particular statistical variable, you should create a separate instance object for each variable (sensor).
- Smoothing sensor readings eliminates the measurement noise in the analog data.
- The class may be used for original maximal 16-bit non-negative digital data as well, where the statistical processing is desirable.
gbj_smoothing(uint16_t valueMax, uint16_t valueMin, uint8_t bufferLen, uint8_t sensorDelay)
- valueMax: Maximal valid sensor value for registering.
- Valid values: non-negative integer 0 ~ 65365
- Default value: 65365
- valueMin: Minimal valid sensor value for registering.
- Valid values: non-negative integer 0 ~ 65365
- Default value: 0
- bufferLen: Number of 16-bit values, which a statistical value is going to be calculated from.
- The buffer length should be odd number. If it is not, the constructor adds 1 to it right before limiting the length in order to make it odd.
- Valid values: positive odd integer in the range 3 to 11
- Default value: 5
- sensorDelay: Default number of milliseconds, which the system is going to be suspended after registering each data value to the data buffer.
- The delay enables to settle or consolidate a sensor after reading, especially its shared (multiplexed) analog-digital converter.
- Valid values: non-negative integer 0 ~ 100 ms
- Default value: 20 ms
Object preforming the smoothing data from sensors.
The constructor has all arguments defaulted. The constructor instance without any parameters is equivalent to an instance with all arguments set by corresponding static getters for default values:
gbj_smoothing samples = gbj_smoothing(); // It is equivalent to
gbj_smoothing samples = gbj_smoothing(
gbj_smoothing::getFilterMax(), gbj_smoothing::getFilterMin(),
gbj_smoothing::getBufferLenDft(), gbj_smoothing::getDelayDft());
If some argument after some defaulted arguments should have a specific value, use corresponding getter in place of those defaulted arguments, e.g.
gbj_smoothing samples = gbj_smoothing(
gbj_smoothing::getFilterMax(), gbj_smoothing::getFilterMin(), 11); // Specific buffer length
gbj_smoothing samples = gbj_smoothing(
gbj_smoothing::getFilterMax(), gbj_smoothing::getFilterMin(),
gbj_smoothing::getBufferLenDft(), 10); // Specific delay
Typical usage is just with setting a valid range in the constructor, e.g., at 10-bit ADC:
gbj_smoothing samples = gbj_smoothing(1023);
gbj_smoothing samples = gbj_smoothing(768, 16);
The method initiates all internal counters and status flags of a class instance object to default values as they are right after power up of a microcontroller.
void init()
The method stores a measured sensor value to the data buffer for further statistical processing.
- The method ignores a value, which is outside of the valid range defined by the corresponding input arguments in the constructor or defined by the filter setters.
- The method returns true status until the object buffer is full, i.e., entire set of values determined by the buffer length for the current run is registered and statistical processing can be provided. It enables put the method to a while loop as a parameter.
boolean registerData(uint16_t sensorValue)
- sensorValue: 16-bit value to be stored for statistical processing.
- Valid values: non-negative integer 0 ~ 65535, but restricted by current filter range
- Default value: none
Status flag about filling the data buffer (free position in it).
- true: the data buffer expects additional values to register
- false: the data buffer is full of registered values
while (samples.registerData(analogRead(pin)));
The method calculates median (50% percentile) from currently registered sensor values in the data buffer as the statistic representing a series of sensor values stored in the buffer.
- A series of statistics from subsequent runs represents smoothed measurement of sensor data.
- Usually the statistic is calculated after filling the entire data buffer when the registering method returns false. However, the calculation can be executed before it just from currently registered values, if it is reasonable.
uint16_t getMedian()
16-bit sensor median or 0, if no data is registered.
The method calculates average (arithmetic mean) from currently registered sensor values in the data buffer as the statistic representing a series of sensor values stored in the buffer.
- A series of statistics from subsequent runs represents smoothed measurement of sensor data.
- Usually the statistic is calculated after filling the entire data buffer when the registering method returns false. However, the calculation can be executed before it just from currently registered values, if it is reasonable.
uint16_t getAverage()
16-bit sensor average or 0, if no data is registered.
The method calculates average (arithmetic mean) from currently registered sensor values in the data buffer, but without the lowest as well as the greatest value, as the statistic representing a middle series of sensor values stored in the buffer.
- A series of statistics from subsequent runs represents smoothed measurement of sensor data.
- Usually the statistic is calculated after filling the entire data buffer when the registering method returns false. However, the calculation can be executed before it just from currently registered values, if it is reasonable.
uint16_t getMidAverage()
16-bit sensor middle average or 0, if no data is registered.
The method calculates maximum (the highest value) from currently registered sensor values in the data buffer as the statistic representing a series of sensor values stored in the buffer.
- A series of statistics from subsequent runs represents smoothed measurement of sensor data.
- Usually the statistic is calculated after filling the entire data buffer when the registering method returns false. However, the calculation can be executed before it just from currently registered values, if it is reasonable.
uint16_t getMaximum()
16-bit sensor maximum or 0, if no data is registered.
The method calculates minimum (the lowest value) from currently registered sensor values in the data buffer as the statistic representing a series of sensor values stored in the buffer.
- A series of statistics from subsequent runs represents smoothed measurement of sensor data.
- Usually the statistic is calculated after filling the entire data buffer when the registering method returns false. However, the calculation can be executed before it just from currently registered values, if it is reasonable.
uint16_t getMinimum()
16-bit sensor minimum or 0, if no data is registered.
The corresponding method redefines minimal, maximal, or both valid values for registered sensor data set in the constructor defined there by default or explicitly.
void setFilter(uint16_t valueMax, uint16_t valueMin)
void setFilterMin(uint16_t valueMin)
void setFilterMax(uint16_t valueMax)
valueMax: Maximal valid sensor value for registering.
valueMin: Minimal valid sensor value for registering.
The corresponding method returns currently set minimal or maximal value valid for registering.
uint16_t getValueMin()
uint16_t getValueMax()
Actual minimal or maximal value of the valid data range.
The corresponding static method returns hardcoded limit of minimal or maximal value valid for registering.
uint16_t getFilterMin()
uint16_t getFilterMax()
Minimal or maximal limit of the valid data range.
The method redefines delay between registering data values set in the constructor defined there by default or explicitly.
- The method does not utilize the system function delay(), but the timestamp obtained by the system function millis().
void setDelay(uint8_t sensorDelay)
- sensorDelay: The delay redefines the value set in the constructor.
- Valid values: as in the constructor argument sensorDelay
- Default value: as in the constructor argument sensorDelay
The method returns currently set delay between registering data values for registering.
uint8_t getDelay()
Actual sensor delay in milliseconds.
The corresponding static method returns hardcoded default value or valid limit of delay between registering data values for registering.
uint8_t getDelayDft()
uint8_t getDelayMin()
uint8_t getDelayMax()
Default, minimal valid, or maximal valid sensor delay in milliseconds.
The method redefines length of the data buffer used for registering sensor data, i.e., the number of data samples used for calculating a smoothed statistic set in the constructor and defined there by default or explicitly.
void setBufferLen(uint8_t bufferLen)
- bufferLen: Number of 16-bit values, which a statistical value is going to be calculated from.
The method returns current length of the data buffer used for registering sensor data.
- Usually the returned value is the same as length put to the constructor as parameter bufferLen.
- If class has adjusted the input buffer length to the nearest odd number, the method return the actual length.
- The method is useful if the length has been put to the constructor as a numeric literal and there is no variable of the length to use it in other statements.
uint8_t getBufferLen()
Actual length of the data buffer.
The corresponding static method returns hardcoded default value or valid limit of length of the data buffer used for registering sensor data.
uint8_t getBufferLenDft()
uint8_t getBufferLenMin()
uint8_t getBufferLenMax()
Default, minimal, or maximal length of the data buffer.
The method returns number of currently registered sensor values in the data buffer.
- The calculation of a statistical value can be provided before registering the full data buffer. In that case the method returns the number of sensor values, which a statistic is calculated from.
- Usually the returned value should be the same as length of the data buffer at the end of a measurement cycle when method registerData() returns false.
- Before end of a measurement cycle the method registerData returns true and number of readings is less than length of the data buffer.
uint8_t getReadings()
Actual number of registered sensor values in the data buffer.