Info: Console ethereum erc20 token portfolio.
Author: Lukasz Czerwinski
tokenROI is an tool which eaisly presents your erc20 token collection using data from idex stock. It converts your token balances into ethereum and also shows current roi of your investments. There is possibility to store your's configuration on google drive.
download the project source and do::
$ python install
Working token roi calculator needs list of erc20 tokens and your ethereum wallets. Calculator allows easily edit configuration with:
$ token_roi --edit
It opens your system editor and starts edition of token_list.txt and eth_wallets.txt. Config construction is easy and shouldn't make a problems.
Here's a basic usage examples
$ token_roi
console output should gives
It shows only your ethereum erc20 token's balances. Showing with overall ethereum wallets
posession is made with:
$ token_roi --all
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