Releases: mrsilver76/itunes_playlist_exporter
Fixes an issue which causes video playlists to be incorrectly deleted.
Scanning for playlists to be deleted from Plex is now 10 times faster than before (real world test: now 17 seconds instead of 171 seconds). Fixed a bug which meant no command line was outputted (when using /V) if the token was empty.
Added the ability to ignore smart playlists. Added a verbose option to aid in debugging.
Added support for storing the correct playlist name (using #PLAYLIST
) within the m3u when exporting, this is then used when importing into Plex. Added further details during the (slow) process of deleting playlists from Plex.
Added support for writing out playlists with path styles and line endings which work for Linux. Prevented smart playlists in Plex from being analysed or deleted. Fixed a bug where an additional newline was added to the playlist when no replacements were performed.
Improved information provided whilst deleting Plex playlists (as it's slow).
Updated the code to delete only playlists in a certain library (rather than everything). Fixed a bug which caused the code to crash when blocking uploading to Plex. The documentation has been heavily updated to take into account the simplified method for managing multiple users.