An example Vaadin 8 Java EE application that demonstrates how to authenticate and authorize users using JAAS and Vaadin CDI add-on, login form and view navigator.
Tested with WildFly 10.1, but should work equally well with other Java EE 7
application servers (and probably Java EE 6 application servers once you
downgrade the javaee-api
Maven dependency; you may also need to add
and more configuration).
WildFly has a security realm called ApplicationRealm configured by default.
To add a new user to ApplicationRealm execute the add-user.{bat,sh}
within the bin
folder of your WildFly installation and enter the requested
information. Choose b) Application user and add the user to the group
You may need to restart WildFly if it is currently running to make it pick up the new users.
You need Maven and Java 8 JDK to build and run the application.
Build the application WAR with mvn package
, deploy it from
to the application server and open
http://localhost:8080/jaasexample-1.0-SNAPSHOT/ in the browser.
- Stack Overflow question about Vaadin Java EE authentication and authorization
- Vaadin+JAAS example that works with JBoss
- Using Vaadin CDI with JAAS authentication blog post and wiki page
- Creating Secure Vaadin Applications using JEE6 for Vaadin 6, less relevant for Vaadin 8, but thorough and gives good background information on JAAS