Hello Guys ✋
I'm Mohammad Saleh Fadaei, a front-end Developer from IRAN 🇮🇷
Currently, I'm a front-end team leader at Achareh 💻
I know a lot of things about front-end development such as web APIs, web performance, etc. But eager to learn more because still know nothing!!! 😖
I am a fan of Vue and Nuxt and enjoy developing websites with them 😃
I enjoy developing open-source packages and being active in the front-end and Vue community 🕺
- iranian-vuejs-companies
- @achareh/achar
- async-tasks-runner
- nuxt-browser-console
- Front-End-Performance-Checklist
- Web Vital Composable
- Nuxt 2 Ultimate Cache
- V8 --help | V8 engine options and flags in CMD
- Debug TTFB Like Google