I am a Final-Year undergraduate student at University College London (@UCL) studying Earth Sciences in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. My interest in the world of programming started in my first year whereby MATLAB was a compulsory module. Fascinated how direct and powerful coding was, I eventually followed coursed in Java and Python with Microsoft. The more I learned, the deeper my I dove into the subject, experimenting with data mining and artificial intelligence.
After my first year, I interned at INNODIS Limited in Mauritius whereby I was allocated of creating a real time open source software from scratch using Python in 6 weeks. It was quite challenging, but I was very satisfied with the result and started considering a career that was not as focused on the environment and environmental consulting. During my second year, we were assigned term projects that required us to use python to model climate in various parts of the world and potential scenarios when changing different climatic variables. As of then, I have been interested in a career course that both combines my scientific background and my applied knowledge in programming and modelling.
|I was raised with the motto "To live and to let live!" which I have been living by as of then | I have quite an insatiable curiosity and have a keen interest expanding the breadth of my knowledge | I am very proactive about the concept of sustainability; be it on a personal level or on a global level | I spend half of my time at university either working out or playing lacrosse | I have recently developed a keen interest in video editing |
I am always eager to connect and learn new things.
Find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mansi-baguant-34a326176/