This is a short course intended for those who are interested in large-scale water optimization modeling with CALVIN model. Some basic optimization knowledge, especially linear programming, is assumed. This crash course introduces basics of CALVIN model with Pyomo modeling environment. CALVIN is a large-scale hydroeconomic optimization model for California, aiming to optimize water allocation to users. CALVIN is the same model as CALVIN but modeled in a different environment employing different solvers. It is an integrated model with surface and groundwater representation, covering California's most water and water-related economic activities.
See CALVIN website for documentation and more information
Online CALVIN schematic and data visualization tool
Recordings from the Workshop
Agenda from the Workshop
Recordings from the Workshop
Recordings from the Workshops and documentation
This repository has CALVIN's model structure, including decision variables, objective function and constraints. There are also example runs and some brief documentation.
HOBBES database hosting CALVIN network data. Database includes California's water infrastructure data (capacities, network properties etc) and hydrology data (inflow, groundwater etc.)
CALVIN network tool is used to export water network matrix of California from HOBBES database in a format that CALVIN python version can read.
Change in California's overall surface water storage over the 82-year period:
Change in California's overall groundwater storage over the 82-year period:
Water deliveries to agricultural and urban users (USV: Upper Sacramento Valley; LSVD: Lower Sacramento Valley and Delta; SJSB: San Joaquin and South Bay; TB: Tulare Basin; SC: Southern California