This repository contains all the assignments done by me for nodejs master class by Pirple.
Assignment #1: In this assignment I developed a restfull JSON API, that listens on a port number 3000. When someone sends an HTTP request to the route /hello, it returns a welcome message "Hi! this is Node JS.", in JSON format.
Assignment #2: It's an API for a demo pizza-delivery company. A route "users" handles the ceation of new users, their information can be edited, and they can be deleted via get/post/put/delete methods. We only store their name, email address, and street address. --Users can log in and log out by creating or destroying a token. -- When a user is logged in, they are able to GET all the possible hard coded menu items. --A logged-in user is able to fill a shopping cart with hardcoded menu items --A logged-in user is able to create an order. Payment system is integrated with the Sandbox of to accept their payment. --When an order is placed, an email to the user is sent with receipt. Email functionality is achieved using the sandbox of for this.