Many projects requires a mix of file formats, so it is useful to use an uniform documentation tool not only for programming languages, but also for extra files required by the project. Doxygen supports many languages, but it can be extended more.
This addon allows .BAT, .SH, .RGX, .XML, .XHTML, .XSLT files documentation using Doxygen (, ver. 1.8.15)
This contains following filters for Doxygen:
- (BATdoxFilter.bat) for BAT Script files (win)
- (ShdoxFilter.bat) for shellScrip files (linux)
- (XMLdoxFilter.bat) for generic XML files
- (HTMLdoxFilter.bat) for(X)HTML files
- (XSLTdoxFilter.bat) for XSLT/XSL stylesheets
- (RGXdoxFilter.bat) for RGX (text files INI-like)
The actual filters are the .BAT (for Windows) or .SH (for linux) drivers that associate a java application, some parameters and the necessary auxiliary files (regexp or xslt) to perform the transformation of the input file into a format that can be processed by Doxygen.
All filters are build using 3 main java basic filters (sources included):
-, general purpose, it replace the input text using regular expressions.
-, general purpose, it transforms the input XML using a XSLT stylesheet.
- special filter for XSLT file and Doxygen.
For more informations you can download, unzip and navigate the doc/, starting from index.html. This is also a good example for see how filters4Doxygen works: because this project uses JAVA, BAT, SH, RGX, XML, XSL and XSLT files!
how make a new custom filter using regex, to document a new file format (new extension) TXT-like?
- make the your rgx file and place it in filters_dox/bin/rgx/ (example: bat2dox.rgx)
- make new drivers (bat and/or sh) and place it in . (examples: batdoxfilter.bat /
- Using Doxygen GUI, update config in 'expert' tab.
- For more informations about regexfilter, rgx syntax and regular expressions see doc or
how make a new custom filter using XSLT, to document a new file format (new extension) XML?
- make a XSLT file to get the rigth output and place it in filters_dox/bin/xslt/ (example xml2dox.xslt)
- make new drivers (bat and/or sh) and place it in . (examples: XMLdoxFilter.bat /
- Using Doxygen GUI, update config in 'expert' tab.
Using some of this filters (HTML, XSLT, BAT...) you create many pseudo-function having same names. That makes pages File Members/all and File Menbers/Functions without any interest. In Doxygen-config it is not possible to exclude the creation of that pages (shame). I found a workaround for HTML output (on ver 1.8.15).
- Set expert/HTML/HTML_DYNAMIC_MENUS to 'yes'.
- Build the documentation.
- Edit the files 'navtreedata.js' (for tree menu) and 'menudata.js' (for tab menu). Using a editor with 'parenthesis match' it is easy to delete all items after 'File List'.
Not elegant, but it works.