Releases: msp360/MSP360-PSModule
Releases · msp360/MSP360-PSModule
v3.29.201 - 2023-07-20
- Edit-MBSNBFBackupPlan: cannot switch to FFI schedule when GFS settings are enabled and vice versa
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: 'Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ReferenceObject' because it is null.' error when parsing full shcedule values in some cases
- New-MBSNBFFileBackupPlan, New-MBSNBFIBBBackupPlan, Edit-MBSNBFBackupPlan: 'Incorrect value for -gfsYMonth. The value '...' must be integer' error if -GFSMonthOfTheYear parameter is specified
- New-MBSNBFFileBackupPlan, New-MBSBackupPlan, Edit-MBSNBFBackupPlan, Edit-MBSBackupPlan: incorrect separators used when parsing array values for -SkipFolder, -IncludeFilesMask, -ExcludeFilesMask parameters
- New-MBSNBFFileBackupPlan: -SkipFolder parameter does not work
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: cannot combine backup chain parameters with other parameters in one command
- Install-MBSAgent, Install-RMMAgent, Install-CONAgent: URL request and error handling improvements
- Get-MBSAPIBuild: added 'RMMLinuxDEB','RMMLinuxRPM','RMMmacOS' values and renamed 'RMM' to 'RMMWindows' for the -Type parameter
v3.19.130 - 2023-05-10
New cmdlets:
- New-MBSNBFFileBackupPlan: -KeepVersionPeriod parameter does not work if backup agent version is from 7.8.0 to 7.8.2
- New-MBSBackupPlan: schedule set incorrectly when incremental and full schedules are specified
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: all backup chain parameters should be specified even if only one parameter change is needed
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: backup chain is disabled if next backup plan ID in chain not specified in command for backup agent version 7.2.1 and higher
- New-MBSNBFBackupPlanCommonOption, Get-MBSBackupPlan: added support for -ForeverForwardIncremental and -IntelligentRetention parameters
- New-MBSNBFBackupPlanCommonOption: changed value type of parameter -KeepVersionPeriod from Timespan to Integer
- New-MBSBackupPlanCommonOption: changed value type of parameters -KeepVersionPeriod and -DelayPurgePeriod from Timespan to Integer
- New-MBSBackupPlanCommonOption, New-MBSNBFBackupPlanCommonOption: added backup chain parameters
- New-MBSNBFFileBackupPlan: added -KeepEFSEncryption parameter to back up EFS files as encrypted (MBS Backup Agent release 7.6.0)
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: changed names for backup chain parameters (check help)
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: added -SyntheticFull parameter for Image-Based backup plans
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: added GlacierInstantRetrieval AWS S3 storage class support
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: code optimization and minor bugfixes
- Updated help for Edit-MBSBackupPlan
v2.53.364 - 2022-12-30
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - incorrect frequency is set if 'DayOfWeek' includes all days and the initial frequency is not 'Weekly'
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - 'DayOfWeek' for monthly incremental schedule is not set
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - 'DayOfMonth' value is not set if frequency is 'DayOfMonth'
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: NBF plans - 'RepeatInterval' and 'RepeatStartDate' are not set
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: RAW output type now returns NBF backup plans in their source (not converted) format in the same form as CBF backup plans
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: adding and disabling file/folder exclusions for Image-Based backup plans improvements (MBS Backup Agent release 7.8.2)
- Stop-MBSPlan: force stop improvements (MBS Backup Agent release 7.8.2)
- Get-MBSAgentSetting, Get-MBSStorageAccount: added checks for cases when 'enginesettings.list' is empty, corrupt or incorrect format
- Get-MBSAPIBuild: added RMM build type
- Get-MBSAPIBuild: renamed build type values for convenience. Possible values - 'Windows','VMEdition','LinuxDEB','LinuxRPM','macOS','RMM'
- Request-MBSAPIBuild: introduced enums for -BuildType and -BuildEditions parameters
- Remove-MBSAgent, Remove-CONAgent, Remove-RMMAgent: output message improvements
- Set-MSP360ModuleSettings: added -SkipEngineSettingsListCheck parameter for cases when some cmdlets do not work properly if 'enginesettings.list' is not present (e.g. after MBS Backup Agent clean install, before assigning a backup user)
v2.40.277 - 2022-10-04
New cmdlets:
- New-MBSAPICompany, Get-MBSAPICompany, Edit-MBSAPICompany: added company backup destination ID parameter and output
- New-MBSAPIAdministrator, Get-MBSAPIAdministrator, Edit-MBSAPIAdministrator: added AccountType parameter and output (this value is intended for future RBAC)
- New-MBSAPIAdministratorPermission: added -ManageImmutability parameter
- New-MBSNBFPlanSchedule: removed -Once switch (once frequency not supported in NBF)
- New-MBSNBFPlanSchedule: added -RepeatInterval and -RepeatStartDate parameters (MBS Backup Agent 7.5 release)
- Test-MBSConnection: suppress warning messages if TCP test succeeded, but ICMP ping failed
v2.24.161 - 2022-06-10
Critical bugfix:
- Cannot update MSP360 PowerShell Module to version 2.x from older versions (Error: Authenticode issuer ... of the new module 'msp360' with version '2.21.143' ... is not matching with the authenticode issuer ... of the previously-installed module 'msp360' with version '1.x')
New cmdlets:
- Install-MSP360Module: -CleanInstall switch to remove all previous versions of the module before install or update to the latest or requested version
- New-MBSBackupPlan, New-MBSNBFIBBBackupPlan: added -KeepBitLocker, -KeepBitLockerEnableForVolume, and -KeepBitLockerDisableForVolume parameters
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: added -KeepBitLockerEnableForVolume and -KeepBitLockerDisableForVolume parameters
- New-MBSNBFIBBBackupPlan: added 'FixedVolumes' value for -BackupVolumes parameter
- Get-MBSBackupPlan: added output of 'BackupOptions' for volumes in NBF Image-Based backup plans
- New-MBSBackupPlan, New-MBSNBFIBBBackupPlan: added -ExcludeItem parameter for Image-Based backup plans
- New-MBSBackupPlan: added -ExcludeFile and -ExcludeDirectory parameters for File-Level backup plans
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: added -DisableExcludeFilesFolders switch to remove and disable exclusions for Image-Based backup plans
v0.13.0 - 2020-12-16
New cmdlets:
- None
- Install-MBSModule: check for 'PackageManagement' version properly
v0.9.0 - 2020-10-21
New cmdlets:
- Edit-MBSBackupPlan: Add enable/disable BitLocker option
- Add verbose messages to Get-MBSAgent, Add/Remove-MBSFirewallRules
- Add the name of a function at the beginning of verbose messages
- Bug: Get-MBSAPIUser - error if a user has no notification emails
v0.8.7 - 2020-10-06
New cmdlets:
- None
- Chain backup plan option in the Edit-MBSBackupplan
- Migrate cmdlets to Start-MBSProcess
- Simple install script
- Get-MBSAPI* cmdlets with Powershell v3/v4 cannot convert PSCustomObject to MBS.API.*
- Remove .gitlab from the release