Files and configurations I use to get a basic environment up and running.
Location: Import into terminal
I like the solarized colorscheme. These two files can be imported into iTerm2 and OS X terminal respectively to add the colorscheme.
Location: Anywhere and ~/.rsync-exclude
Instead of OS X's Time Machine, I use a simple rsync script for backups. The
script (over)writes the latest copy of every file to my external drive. It never
deletes. Files in rsync-exclude
are not backed up.
Location: ~/.gitignore_global
Ignore pesky temp files. GitHub has instructions for configuring git to respect these, and a much more comprehensive global ignore file than mine.
Location: ~/.ssh/config
Basic example of an ssh config file. Allows you to ssh caen
instead of
Location: ~/.tmux.conf
Tmux (a terminal multiplexer) is nice to manage multiple windows/sessions. The functionality provided is similar to opening tabs or split screens on your terminal emulator (e.g. OS X Terminal, iTerm2). I use tmux because:
- It's quicker to navigate with keyboard
- Tmux is quite robust
- It's available on most linux machines (not the CAEN servers we ssh into, unfortunately)
- Persistent sessions are nice for both backgrounded jobs/tasks and working on several different things (e.g. classes)
Location: ~/.vim
, ~/.vimrc
My vimrc includes basic configurations that I find useful, but you should add/change/remove things to make it your own. The individual lines are fairly well commented, but here is breakdown of plugins I've included and shortcuts in my vimrc that I use regularly.
Included plugins: (Managed with Pathogen)
Plugin | Description |
Airline | Status and tab line |
Commentary | Comment out stuff |
Fugitive | Git wrapper |
Goyo | Distraction-free writing |
Sensible | Some basic default settings |
Snytastic | Syntax checking |
Brief shortcut explanation: (My leader is comma)
Keys | Description |
,. | Move to previous buffer |
,/ | Move to next buffer |
,e | Edit vimrc |
,w | Write (equiv to :w) |
,pp | Paste from system clipboard |
,ss | Enable/disable spellcheck |
,wc | Word count |
,ws | Remove trailing whitespace |
,ww | Write and exit insert mode |
,yy | Yank to system clipboard |
,zz | Enter distraction free writing |
Note: I use the solarized colorscheme. My vimrc defaults to a reduced color
palette for portability, so after you import the colorscheme into your terminal
emulator, touch ~/.vim/solarized
to tell vim to load the full version.