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mtmvu edited this page Feb 20, 2017 · 3 revisions

Roles cheatsheet


  • Bodyguard: Guard one player each night. If someone attacks a guarded player, both the attacker and the Bodyguard die instead of the guarded player.

  • Citizen: n/a

  • Cop: Check a player's side each night.

  • Doctor: Protect a player each night.

  • Escort: Prevent a player from using his ability each night.

  • Investigator: Check a player's criminal records each night.

  • Lookout: See everyone who visits his target during the night.

  • Tracker: See who your target visits during the night.

  • Veteran: Can go on alert (kill anyone who visits him during the night).

  • Vigilante: Kill a player each night.


  • Consigliere: Check a player's criminal records each night.

  • Consort: Prevent a player from using his ability each night.

  • Framer: Frame a player each night (he will appear as a criminal for the night).

  • Godfather: Appears as innocent in front of investigative roles.

  • Janitor: Sanitize a player (if the player die during the night, his role will be unrevealed the next day and his last will will be erased).

  • Mafioso: n/a


  • Arsonist: Douse a player each night or burn all the doused players.

  • Jester: Win if lynched during the day.

  • Serial Killer: Kill a player each night.

  • Survivor: Can use a bulletproof vest. Win if still alive at the end of the game.

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