Audience: Tailored towards an introductory immunology course, where this is the first time students are learning about fundamental concepts in immunology.
Learning objective: Reinforce key immunological concepts and terminology by gamifying the content and creating positive associations with immunological jargon.
Prior knowledge: Recommend to do this activity 1/3 or half-way through the course before a midterm. This is around the time when students start to get overwhelmed with terminology and jargon. For my class, I do this after going through innate immunity, antigen presentation, introduction to T cells and B cells.
Classroom support: Best if you have a TA or a student who can help you distribute and collect the BINGO sheets.
Timing: This activity usually takes about 15min and best to do at the beginning of a class.
Assessment: This activity is not graded, but to determine “winners,” TAs will make sure the answers are correct. This is meant to serve as an additional resource for learning.