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Abstract Syntax Tree Semantics

WebAssembly code is represented as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that has a basic division between statements and expressions. Each function body consists of exactly one statement. All expressions and operations are typed, with no implicit conversions or overloading rules.

Verification of WebAssembly code requires only a single pass with constant-time type checking and well-formedness checking.

WebAssembly offers a set of operations that are language-independent but closely match operations in many programming languages and are efficiently implementable on all modern computers.

The rationale document details why WebAssembly is designed as detailed in this document.


Some operations may trap under some conditions, as noted below. In the MVP, trapping means that execution in the WebAssembly instance is terminated and abnormal termination is reported to the outside environment. In a JavaScript environment such as a browser, a trap results in throwing a JavaScript exception. If developer tools are active, attaching a debugger before the termination would be sensible.

Callstack space is limited by unspecified and dynamically varying constraints and is a source of nondeterminism. If program callstack usage exceeds the available callstack space at any time, a trap occurs.

Implementations must have an internal maximum call stack size, and every call must take up some resources toward exhausting that size (of course, dynamic resources may be exhausted much earlier). This rule exists to avoid differences in observable behavior; if some implementations have this property and others don't, the same program which runs successfully on some implementations may consume unbounded resources and fail on others. Also, in the future, it is expected that WebAssembly will add some form of stack-introspection functionality, in which case such optimizations would be directly observable.

Support for explicit tail calls is planned in the future, which would add an explicit tail-call operation with well-defined effects on stack introspection.


Local Types

The following types are called the local types:

  • i32: 32-bit integer
  • i64: 64-bit integer
  • f32: 32-bit floating point
  • f64: 64-bit floating point

Note that the local types i32 and i64 are not inherently signed or unsigned. The interpretation of these types is determined by individual operations.

Parameters and local variables use local types.

Also note that there is no need for a void type; function signatures use sequences of types to describe their return values, so a void return type is represented as an empty sequence.

Linear Memory

The main storage of a WebAssembly instance, called the linear memory, is a contiguous, byte-addressable range of memory spanning from offset 0 and extending for memory_size bytes which can be dynamically grown by grow_memory. The linear memory can be considered to be an untyped array of bytes, and it is unspecified how embedders map this array into their process' own virtual memory. The linear memory is sandboxed; it does not alias the execution engine's internal data structures, the execution stack, local variables, or other process memory. The initial state of linear memory is specified by the module.

In the MVP, linear memory is not shared between threads of execution. Separate instances can execute in separate threads but have their own linear memory and can only communicate through messaging, e.g. in browsers using postMessage. It will be possible to share linear memory between threads of execution when threads are added.

Linear Memory Accesses

Linear memory access is accomplished with explicit load and store operations. Integer loads can specify a storage size which is smaller than the result type as well as a signedness which determines whether the bytes are sign- or zero- extended into the result type.

  • i32.load8_s: load 1 byte and sign-extend i8 to i32
  • i32.load8_u: load 1 byte and zero-extend i8 to i32
  • i32.load16_s: load 2 bytes and sign-extend i16 to i32
  • i32.load16_u: load 2 bytes and zero-extend i16 to i32
  • i32.load: load 4 bytes as i32
  • i64.load8_s: load 1 byte and sign-extend i8 to i64
  • i64.load8_u: load 1 byte and zero-extend i8 to i64
  • i64.load16_s: load 2 bytes and sign-extend i16 to i64
  • i64.load16_u: load 2 bytes and zero-extend i16 to i64
  • i64.load32_s: load 4 bytes and sign-extend i32 to i64
  • i64.load32_u: load 4 bytes and zero-extend i32 to i64
  • i64.load: load 8 bytes as i64
  • f32.load: load 4 bytes as f32
  • f64.load: load 8 bytes as f64

Stores have an additional input operand which is the value to store to memory. Like loads, integer stores may specify a smaller storage size than the operand size in which case integer wrapping is implied.

  • i32.store8: wrap i32 to i8 and store 1 byte
  • i32.store16: wrap i32 to i16 and store 2 bytes
  • (no conversion) store 4 bytes
  • i64.store8: wrap i64 to i8 and store 1 byte
  • i64.store16: wrap i64 to i16 and store 2 bytes
  • i64.store32: wrap i64 to i32 and store 4 bytes
  • (no conversion) store 8 bytes
  • (no conversion) store 4 bytes
  • (no conversion) store 8 bytes

In addition to storing to memory, store instructions produce a value which is their value input operand before wrapping.


Each linear memory access operation also has an address operand and an immediate integer byte offset attribute. The immediate is the same type as the address' index. The infinite-precision sum of the address operand's value with the byte offset attribute's value is called the effective address, which is interpreted as an unsigned byte index.

Linear memory operations access the bytes starting at the effective address and extend for the number of bytes implied by the storage size. If any of the accessed bytes are beyond memory_size, the access is considered out-of-bounds. A module may optionally define that out-of-bounds includes small effective addresses close to 0 (see discussion). The semantics of out-of-bounds accesses are discussed below.

The use of infinite-precision in the effective address computation means that the addition of the offset to the address never causes wrapping, so if the address for an access is out-of-bounds, the effective address will always also be out-of-bounds.

In wasm32, address operands and offset attributes have type i32, and linear memory sizes are limited to 4 GiB (of course, actual sizes are further limited by available resources). In wasm64, address operands and offsets have type i64. The MVP only includes wasm32; subsequent versions will add support for wasm64 and thus >4 GiB linear memory.


Each linear memory access operation also has an immediate positive integer power of 2 alignment attribute, which is the same type as the address' index. An alignment value which is the same as the memory attribute size is considered to be a natural alignment. The alignment applies to the effective address and not merely the address operand, i.e. the immediate offset is taken into account when considering alignment.

If the effective address of a memory access is a multiple of the alignment attribute value of the memory access, the memory access is considered aligned, otherwise it is considered misaligned. Aligned and misaligned accesses have the same behavior.

Alignment affects performance as follows:

  • Aligned accesses with at least natural alignment are fast.
  • Aligned accesses with less than natural alignment may be somewhat slower (think: implementation makes multiple accesses, either in software or in hardware).
  • Misaligned access of any kind may be massively slower (think: implementation takes a signal and fixes things up).

Thus, it is recommend that WebAssembly producers align frequently-used data to permit the use of natural alignment access, and use loads and stores with the greatest alignment values practical, while always avoiding misaligned accesses.

Out of Bounds

Out of bounds accesses trap.


In the MVP, linear memory can be resized by a grow_memory operation. This operation requires its operand to be a multiple of the system page size. To determine page size, a nullary page_size operation is provided.

  • grow_memory : grow linear memory by a given unsigned delta which must be a multiple of page_size
  • page_size : nullary constant function returning page size in bytes

As stated above, linear memory is contiguous, meaning there are no "holes" in the linear address space. After the MVP, there are future features proposed to allow setting protection and creating mappings within the contiguous linear memory.

In the MVP, memory can only be grown. After the MVP, a memory shrinking operation may be added. However, due to normal fragmentation, applications are instead expected release unused physical pages from the working set using the discard future feature.

The result type of page_size is int32 for wasm32 and int64 for wasm64. The result value of page_size is an unsigned integer which is a power of 2.

The page_size value need not reflect the actual internal page size of the implementation; it just needs to be a value suitable for use with grow_memory.

Local variables

Each function has a fixed, pre-declared number of local variables which occupy a single index space local to the function. Parameters are addressed as local variables. Local variables do not have addresses and are not aliased by linear memory. Local variables have local types and are initialized to the appropriate zero value for their type at the beginning of the function, except parameters which are initialized to the values of the arguments passed to the function.

  • get_local: read the current value of a local variable
  • set_local: set the current value of a local variable

The details of index space for local variables and their types will be further clarified, e.g. whether locals with type i32 and i64 must be contiguous and separate from others, etc.

Control flow structures

WebAssembly offers basic structured control flow. All control flow structures are statements.

  • block: a fixed-length sequence of statements
  • if: if statement
  • do_while: do while statement, basically a loop with a conditional branch (back to the top of the loop)
  • forever: infinite loop statement (like while (1)), basically an unconditional branch (back to the top of the loop)
  • continue: continue to start of nested loop
  • break: break to end from nested loop or block
  • return: return zero or more values from this function
  • switch: switch statement with fallthrough

Loops (do_while and forever) may only be entered via fallthrough at the top. In particular, loops may not be entered directly via a break, continue, or switch destination. Break and continue statements can only target blocks or loops in which they are nested. These rules guarantee that all control flow graphs are well-structured.

Structured control flow provides simple and size-efficient binary encoding and compilation. Any control flow—even irreducible—can be transformed into structured control flow with the Relooper algorithm, with guaranteed low code size overhead, and typically minimal throughput overhead (except for pathological cases of irreducible control flow). Alternative approaches can generate reducible control flow via node splitting, which can reduce throughput overhead, at the cost of increasing code size (potentially very significantly in pathological cases). Also, more expressive control flow constructs may be added in the future.


Each function has a signature, which consists of:

  • Return types, which are a sequence of local types
  • Argument types, which are a sequence of local types

WebAssembly doesn't support variable-length argument lists (aka varargs). Compilers targetting WebAssembly can instead support them through explicit accesses to linear memory.

In the MVP, the length of the return types sequence may only be 0 or 1. This restriction may be lifted in the future.

Direct calls to a function specify the callee by index into a main function table.

  • call: call function directly

A direct call to a function with a mismatched signature is a module verification error.

Like direct calls, calls to imports specify the callee by index into an imported function table defined by the sequence of import declarations in the module import section. A direct call to an imported function with a mismatched signature is a module verification error.

  • call_import : call imported function directly

Indirect calls allow calling target functions that are unknown at compile time. The target function is an expression of local type i32 and is always the first input into the indirect call.

A call_indirect specifies the expected signature of the target function with an index into a signature table defined by the module. An indirect call to a function with a mismatched signature causes a trap.

  • call_indirect: call function indirectly

Functions from the main function table are made addressable by defining an indirect function table that consists of a sequence of indices into the module's main function table. A function from the main table may appear more than once in the indirect function table. Functions not appearing in the indirect function table cannot be called indirectly.

In the MVP, indices into the indirect function table are local to a single module, so wasm modules may use i32 constants to refer to entries in their own indirect function table. The dynamic linking feature is necessary for two modules to pass function pointers back and forth. This will mean concatenating indirect function tables and adding an operation address_of that computes the absolute index into the concatenated table from an index in a module's local indirect table. JITing may also mean appending more functions to the end of the indirect function table.

Multiple return value calls will be possible, though possibly not in the MVP. The details of multiple-return-value calls needs clarification. Calling a function that returns multiple values will likely have to be a statement that specifies multiple local variables to which to assign the corresponding return values.


These opcodes have an immediate operand of their associated type which is produced as their result value. All possible values of all types are supported (including NaN values of all possible bit patterns).

  • i32.const: produce the value of an i32 immediate
  • i64.const: produce the value of an i64 immediate
  • f32.const: produce the value of an f32 immediate
  • f64.const: produce the value of an f64 immediate

Expressions with Control Flow

  • comma: evaluate and ignore the result of the first operand, evaluate and return the second operand
  • conditional: basically ternary ?: operator

New operations may be considered which allow measurably greater expression-tree-building opportunities.

32-bit Integer operations

Integer operations are signed, unsigned, or sign-agnostic. Signed operations use two's complement signed integer representation.

Signed and unsigned operations trap whenever the result cannot be represented in the result type. This includes division and remainder by zero, and signed division overflow (INT32_MIN / -1). Signed remainder with a non-zero denominator always returns the correct value, even when the corresponding division would trap. Sign-agnostic operations silently wrap overflowing results into the result type.

  • i32.add: sign-agnostic addition
  • i32.sub: sign-agnostic subtraction
  • i32.mul: sign-agnostic multiplication (lower 32-bits)
  • i32.div_s: signed division (result is truncated toward zero)
  • i32.div_u: unsigned division (result is floored)
  • i32.rem_s: signed remainder (result has the sign of the dividend)
  • i32.rem_u: unsigned remainder
  • i32.and: sign-agnostic logical and
  • i32.or: sign-agnostic inclusive or
  • i32.xor: sign-agnostic exclusive or
  • i32.shl: sign-agnostic shift left
  • i32.shr_u: zero-replicating (logical) shift right
  • i32.shr_s: sign-replicating (arithmetic) shift right
  • i32.eq: sign-agnostic compare equal
  • sign-agnostic compare unequal
  • i32.lt_s: signed less than
  • i32.le_s: signed less than or equal
  • i32.lt_u: unsigned less than
  • i32.le_u: unsigned less than or equal
  • i32.gt_s: signed greater than
  • i32.ge_s: signed greater than or equal
  • i32.gt_u: unsigned greater than
  • i32.ge_u: unsigned greater than or equal
  • i32.clz: sign-agnostic count leading zero bits (defined for all values, including zero)
  • i32.ctz: sign-agnostic count trailing zero bits (defined for all values, including zero)
  • i32.popcnt: sign-agnostic count number of one bits

Shifts interpret their shift count operand as an unsigned value. When the shift count is at least the bitwidth of the shift, shl and shr_u produce 0, and shr_s produces 0 if the value being shifted is non-negative, and -1 otherwise.

All comparison operations yield 32-bit integer results with 1 representing true and 0 representing false.

64-bit integer operations

The same operations are available on 64-bit integers as the those available for 32-bit integers.

Floating point operations

Floating point arithmetic follows the IEEE 754-2008 standard, except that:

  • The sign bit and significand bit pattern of any NaN value returned from a floating point arithmetic operation other than neg, abs, and copysign are not specified. In particular, the "NaN propagation" section of IEEE 754-2008 is not required. NaNs do propagate through arithmetic operations according to IEEE 754-2008 rules, the difference here is that they do so without necessarily preserving the specific bit patterns of the original NaNs.
  • WebAssembly uses "non-stop" mode, and floating point exceptions are not otherwise observable. In particular, neither alternate floating point exception handling attributes nor the non-computational operations on status flags are supported. There is no observable difference between quiet and signalling NaN. However, positive infinity, negative infinity, and NaN are still always produced as result values to indicate overflow, invalid, and divide-by-zero conditions, as specified by IEEE 754-2008.
  • WebAssembly uses the round-to-nearest ties-to-even rounding attribute, except where otherwise specified. Non-default directed rounding attributes are not supported.
  • The strategy for gradual underflow (subnormals) is under discussion.

In the future, these limitations may be lifted, enabling full IEEE 754-2008 support.

Note that not all operations required by IEEE 754-2008 are provided directly. However, WebAssembly includes enough functionality to support reasonable library implementations of the remaining required operations.

  • f32.add: addition

  • f32.sub: subtraction

  • f32.mul: multiplication

  • f32.div: division

  • f32.abs: absolute value

  • f32.neg: negation

  • f32.copysign: copysign

  • f32.ceil: ceiling operation

  • f32.floor: floor operation

  • f32.trunc: round to nearest integer towards zero

  • f32.nearest: round to nearest integer, ties to even

  • f32.eq: compare ordered and equal

  • compare unordered or unequal

  • compare ordered and less than

  • f32.le: compare ordered and less than or equal

  • compare ordered and greater than

  • compare ordered and greater than or equal

  • f32.sqrt: square root

  • f32.min: minimum (binary operator); if either operand is NaN, returns NaN

  • f32.max: maximum (binary operator); if either operand is NaN, returns NaN

  • f64.add: addition

  • f64.sub: subtraction

  • f64.mul: multiplication

  • f64.div: division

  • f64.abs: absolute value

  • f64.neg: negation

  • f64.copysign: copysign

  • f64.ceil: ceiling operation

  • f64.floor: floor operation

  • f64.trunc: round to nearest integer towards zero

  • f64.nearest: round to nearest integer, ties to even

  • f64.eq: compare ordered and equal

  • compare unordered or unequal

  • compare ordered and less than

  • f64.le: compare ordered and less than or equal

  • compare ordered and greater than

  • compare ordered and greater than or equal

  • f64.sqrt: square root

  • f64.min: minimum (binary operator); if either operand is NaN, returns NaN

  • f64.max: maximum (binary operator); if either operand is NaN, returns NaN

min and max operations treat -0.0 as being effectively less than 0.0.

In floating point comparisons, the operands are unordered if either operand is NaN, and ordered otherwise.

Datatype conversions, truncations, reinterpretations, promotions, and demotions

  • i32.wrap[i64]: wrap a 64-bit integer to a 32-bit integer
  • i32.trunc_s[f32]: truncate a 32-bit float to a signed 32-bit integer
  • i32.trunc_s[f64]: truncate a 64-bit float to a signed 32-bit integer
  • i32.trunc_u[f32]: truncate a 32-bit float to an unsigned 32-bit integer
  • i32.trunc_u[f64]: truncate a 64-bit float to an unsigned 32-bit integer
  • i32.reinterpret[f32]: reinterpret the bits of a 32-bit float as a 32-bit integer
  • i64.extend_s[i32]: extend a signed 32-bit integer to a 64-bit integer
  • i64.extend_u[i32]: extend an unsigned 32-bit integer to a 64-bit integer
  • i64.trunc_s[f32]: truncate a 32-bit float to a signed 64-bit integer
  • i64.trunc_s[f64]: truncate a 64-bit float to a signed 64-bit integer
  • i64.trunc_u[f32]: truncate a 32-bit float to an unsigned 64-bit integer
  • i64.trunc_u[f64]: truncate a 64-bit float to an unsigned 64-bit integer
  • i64.reinterpret[f64]: reinterpret the bits of a 64-bit float as a 64-bit integer
  • f32.demote[f64]: demote a 64-bit float to a 32-bit float
  • f32.convert_s[i32]: convert a signed 32-bit integer to a 32-bit float
  • f32.convert_s[i64]: convert a signed 64-bit integer to a 32-bit float
  • f32.convert_u[i32]: convert an unsigned 32-bit integer to a 32-bit float
  • f32.convert_u[i64]: convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a 32-bit float
  • f32.reinterpret[i32]: reinterpret the bits of a 32-bit integer as a 32-bit float
  • f64.promote[f32]: promote a 32-bit float to a 64-bit float
  • f64.convert_s[i32]: convert a signed 32-bit integer to a 64-bit float
  • f64.convert_s[i64]: convert a signed 64-bit integer to a 64-bit float
  • f64.convert_u[i32]: convert an unsigned 32-bit integer to a 64-bit float
  • f64.convert_u[i64]: convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to a 64-bit float
  • f64.reinterpret[i64]: reinterpret the bits of a 64-bit integer as a 64-bit float

Wrapping and extension of integer values always succeed. Promotion and demotion of floating point values always succeed. Demotion of floating point values uses round-to-nearest ties-to-even rounding, and may overflow to infinity or negative infinity as specified by IEEE 754-2008. If the operand of promotion or demotion is NaN, the sign bit and significand of the result are not specified.

Reinterpretations always succeed.

Conversions from integer to floating point always succeed, and use round-to-nearest ties-to-even rounding.

Truncation from floating point to integer where IEEE 754-2008 would specify an invalid operation exception (e.g. when the floating point value is NaN or outside the range which rounds to an integer in range) traps.

Feature test

To support feature testing, an AST node would be provided:

  • has_feature: return whether the given feature is supported, identified by string

In the MVP, has_feature would always return false. As features were added post-MVP, has_feature would start returning true. has_feature is a pure function, always returning the same value for the same string over the lifetime of a single instance and other related (as defined by the host environment) instances.